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안녕하세요~~ 여러분 잘 지내시죠?

If you have ever been to any Korean entertainment websites and looked at the comments, or seen any online chatting dialogue between korean people (especially young girls), you have probably noticed that it can seem like people are speaking an entirely different language.

One of the big differences is the rampant use of abbreviations. While these kinds of abbreviations are also used in casual conversation, they are even more prevalent on the internet and in text messages.

One of the first abbreviations I learned about was a different way to talk about different kinds of students. Let me explain:

Kindergarten Students = 유치원생 = 유딩
Elementary School Students = 초등학생 = 초딩
Middle School Students = 중학생 = 중딩
High School Students = 고등학생 = 고딩
University Students = 대학생 = 대딩

And I just learned this one from 현우 today:

A person who works = 직장인 = 직딩

여러분 무슨 “딩”이세요? ㅋㅋㅋ Everyone, what kind of “딩” are you?
