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KC101 Member Info!!! ^_^

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Postby Chriss » February 21st, 2009 1:33 pm

Why are you learning Norwegian?

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Postby MichaelNZ » February 23rd, 2009 5:26 am

Alexis you have such good taste in video games i feel obligated to reply

Name: Michael Doyle
Age: 08/1990
Place of birth: New Zealand
Furthest location travelled: London
Places you want to go: Taipei, Bankok
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English, 한국어
Languages in the process of learning: 한국어
Hobbies: Basketball, studying Korean, programming
Occupation: Student
Education: Completed 1 year of study at Auckland University in New Zealand
Favorite Movies: Braveheart, Anything with Paul Rudd
Favorite Bands: Rubber, wrist, not so much ankle
Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy X (Come on its heaps better than xiii), Suikoden II, Diablo II, Mario Kart DS, Wario Ware for the Wii.
Ultimate Goal: Pokemon master.

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Postby Ulver_684 » February 23rd, 2009 11:44 pm

Chriss wrote:Ulver_684,
Why are you learning Norwegian?

Chriss! :wink:

I'm learning Norwegian because I'm a big fan of the band Ulver and all black metal bands so I want to know what they say in some songs. :D

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Postby Alexis » February 24th, 2009 12:25 am

MichaelNZ: You were born in NZ?! Do you live there now? I went to Queenstown for my honeymoon at the end of '07, and I thought it was one of the most beautiful places! I'd love to go back!!! :wink:
Also, I don't play many video games anymore. I have been feeling like picking up a Final Fantasy again, but they take so much time to get through!!! :P I don't seem to have that patience anymore! :(
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Postby MichaelNZ » February 24th, 2009 1:03 am

Sure was, I've lived in Auckland for the last 10 or so years and Wellington before that but I live in Korea now! Queenstown is an awesome place, I haven't been there in ages! *jelous*

I don't actually own a TV here so I get my video game fix from my NDS. No final fantasy for me :cry: ...

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Postby Chriss » February 25th, 2009 8:19 pm

Ulver_684 wrote:Chriss! :wink:

I'm learning Norwegian because I'm a big fan of the band Ulver and all black metal bands so I want to know what they say in some songs. :D

Haha, I see. I know a lot of Italian people do that. Anyway, if you need help with Norwegian, don't hesitate to ask.

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Postby lilacdreams » March 21st, 2009 12:55 pm

Name: Sarah
Age: 19 turning 20 (Born in 1989, I don't know my age in Korean terms. T.T)
Place of birth: Singapore
Furthest location travelled: Australia
Places you want to go: Korea & Japan.
Spoken languages: (In order of fluency) English, Mandarin, Korean
Written Languages: Same as my spoken ones.
Languages in the process of learning: Korean & Japanese. (I took Japanese for a semester, need to get back to studying it again soon, else I'm gonna forget.)
Hobbies: Swimming, squash, experimenting recipes in the kitchen, being online doing random stuff. :x
Occupation: Student
Education: Communications Year 1 Undergraduate
Favorite Movies: Tons.
Favorite Bands: Even more of them. Kpop ones. I mostly listen to Big Bang, SHINee and Wondergirls nowadays.
Favorite Video Games: None.
Ultimate Goal: Travel around the world / Master Korean, Japanese fluently

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Postby hyunwoo » March 22nd, 2009 12:18 pm

Sarah :) You are 21 years old this year in Korean age ^_^

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Postby viruletdew » March 23rd, 2009 11:00 pm

Name: Jessica (Hae Jin)
Age: 29
Place of birth: Busan, S Korea
Furthest location travelled: Mexico
Places you want to go: Korea, Japan, France
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English
Languages in the process of learning: Korean
Hobbies: Knitting, video games, running (sort of), snow boarding
Occupation: Front-end Web Programmer
Education: Multimedia Design
Favorite Movies: Most current - The Wrestler
Favorite Bands: Most current - Beirut
Favorite Video Games: Fallout 3, Fable 2, Bioshock
Ultimate Goal: Become a master knitter, and become fluent in Korean/Hangul

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Re: KC101 Member Info!!! ^_^

Postby kimchiandsoju » March 25th, 2009 4:29 pm

Name: Gary
Age: 32 (I no longer will be using Korean age, thanks. 32 is old enough.)
Place of birth: Bakersfield, CA
Furthest location travelled: Furthest from where? Korea, Taiwan, Australia... Boston...
Places you want to go: Too many to list.
Spoken languages: English
Written Languages: English
Languages in the process of learning: Just 한국어
Hobbies: Learning Korean, Playing 20s and 30s pop and jazz tunes on my Tenor Banjo (dorky), record collecting, movies, reading, playing the piano, playing with my baby.
Occupation: I work for the Government.
Education: BS
Favorite Movies: Full Metal Jacket, Shiri, Indian Jones, Fight Club, The Bank Dick, Dr. Strangelove, Casablanca
Favorite Bands: I have a ton of favorites I guess.
Favorite Video Games: No time for that kind of stuff...
Ultimate Goal: World Domination and/or to lose 30 pounds.
Feel free to tell us a bit about yourselves! ^_^

I was a Korean linguist in the US Army back in the 90s. I was stationed at Cp. Humphreys in Anjung-ri, which is by PyeongTaek. I got out of the army in '98 which I now realize was a long time ago.

My current job involves travel and I'm trying to get some Korea trips going.

My wife is Korean American and her parents live with us and help us raise the baby because we are working. I want my baby to learn to speak Korean. I don't watch dramas because screaming ajumas and ajushis does not entertain me. I like funny Korean shows though, but I can't name one because I just watch whatever happens to be on when I turn on the TV. I get some Korean channels with this satelite TV.

I live in San Diego. Its a nice place. We have a little K-Town. We have a restaurant called Soju Town. YOu can't really beat that, can you? The Ajumas at Arirang Restaurant like to play with my baby while we eat. Now, thats good service. The fish guy at the place we used to eat just opened a new restaurant called Dokdo Sushi. But get this- the inside is decorated with Japanese stuff and the fish guy even wears a Japanese costume. I tried to point out the awesome irony in all of this but my in-laws didn't think there was anything odd about it.

Anyways, San Diego is cool. Anybody else live here? My wife and I have been enjoying the audio lessons alot. We wish we could hang out with people like Keith and Hyunwoo and Geong-un and Kyungmi (?) etc etc. but we don't know anybody cool like that.

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Postby Alexis » March 26th, 2009 2:22 am

Yay! More people! 안녕하세요!!

kimchiandsoju: It would be interesting to meet the hosts of KC101 in real life, wouldn't it? LOL.

viruletdew: Wow, someone else who was born in Korea, but doesn't know Korean?!^^
안녕하세요! 윤선입니다! <-- Korean learning blog!

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Postby kimchiandsoju » March 26th, 2009 4:28 am

Alexis wrote:
kimchiandsoju: It would be interesting to meet the hosts of KC101 in real life, wouldn't it? LOL.


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Postby Ulver_684 » March 26th, 2009 10:40 pm

kimchiandsoju wrote:
Alexis wrote:
kimchiandsoju: It would be interesting to meet the hosts of KC101 in real life, wouldn't it? LOL.


kimchiandsoju! :wink:

Where did you get that beautiful icon? :wink:

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Postby kimchiandsoju » March 26th, 2009 10:45 pm

Its a secret!




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Postby hyunwoo » March 27th, 2009 8:07 am

Hahaha they're really cute :)

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