Yeah, i totally agree with Bouks! I felt so left-behind when I was doing the old lessons, and sometimes when I ask questions in the comments,
Yea, the seasons were are really great jsut for that reason. They allow a user to join in with everyone else, when they're on the same lesson
It's not that Keith rocks my socks or anything,
Dang.... I was hoping I did
i've listened to them a few times. the new advanced lesson i've listened to probably 7 times
That's some serious commitment! We'll have a few more of those out shortly. Just hang in there for a little bit though

I must admit though that I did start to lose interest in the lessons around Intermediate lesson 18 where I noted that 6 lines of the 18 lines of dialogue are simple reaction expressions viz: 어? 왜?뭐가?내가뭘?뭐데이트? 안돼!뭐가안돼? which may be authentic dialogue but is just tiring to listen to. Lesson 22 is similar - out of 12 lines of dialogue there are lines with 아...네, 가자, 예..예, 네, 5 lines of introductions (안녕하습니까, 민호 오빠세요, etc.) and 2 lines of useful language. I also used to enjoy the audio blog but found I lost interest in hearing about the limited experiences of a high school student.
Kevin, thank you for the honest and constructive feedback! How do you feel about the commentary in the Audio Blog? Besides the dialog, how do you feel about the vocabulary and lessons presented?
I do the newbie/beginner and Hyunwoo Sun blog for now! Twisted Evil
Sindy, you can always join in with the new seasons too