Keith-seonsaengnim - Keep up the good work! For me you have a very cool voice and wacky imagination whenever I listen to you. You really make everything clear before a lesson ends. By the way, you're one disturbed hottie though, hehehe. Komapsumnida!
Seol-seonsaengnim - Hello Ms. Seol! You are very cool also, always being mean to Keith, hehehe. I lov ethe way you speak, even though you're not that fluent on American English. I appreciate all your efforts and I hope you and Keith will be together on more podcasts to come. Komapsumnida!
Hyunwoo-seonsaengnim - Annyeong Hyunwoo-seonsaengnim! For me you have the calmest, hottest voice among ALL of them! Hehehe. I look forward to hearing your voice in every lesson for me to listen soon. You also explain every lesson very well. Komapsumnida!
Minkyeong-seonsaengnim - Minkyeong-agasshi annyeong! For me your voice is so cute and young, and I always love listening to your voice too. I can't believe you also studied other languages, that must have been really hard for you. But look on the bright side, you handled all of those. Keep it up, and I'm sure you'll be a lot better than before.
To all the other people I haven't mentioned, you made this team great, and we listeners owe you a lot. Kamsahamnida seonsaengnims!