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Have you got a Cyworld page?

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Postby rooraa » November 7th, 2008 12:07 am

난 cyworld page 없어요 :?

현우씨, I just watched your 비디오, "Korean handwriting"
and it was so interesting! I could not even make out the last version of "안녕하세요" ! :roll: :lol:
Your video was probably one of the first times I have actually seen written hangul, (besides my own) :wink:

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Postby Kjungs » November 7th, 2008 9:11 pm

I've not signed up because I'm not so sure I want to spend money to make my page all fancy....I really like the Korean version better than the American version though. It is real money you spend right? :?

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Postby owbEe » January 3rd, 2009 3:14 am

Add me up! My Cyworld address is:

See yah there!

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Postby FeeBee » April 9th, 2009 4:44 pm

yes yes yes~ Cyworld <3

Here is mine

I hid things only to friends so...
@ me as a friend!! =D
and leave msgs in the guest book =3=~

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Postby dingguya » May 22nd, 2009 7:41 pm

I wanted to create a Korean Cyworld account (with the help of my Korean girlfriend), but found out you have to have either a Korean social insurance number or a foreigners card.

Too bad because I have some Korean friends now and wanted to practice my Korean :(


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Postby Ulver_684 » May 22nd, 2009 9:23 pm

dingguya wrote:I wanted to create a Korean Cyworld account (with the help of my Korean girlfriend), but found out you have to have either a Korean social insurance number or a foreigners card.

Too bad because I have some Korean friends now and wanted to practice my Korean :(


Dingguya! :wink:

What do you mean by a foreigners card? I didn't know that I need that card. Ohhh maybe the KOREAN POP UP that appear on my computer when I try to register says I need a Korean social Insurance or foreigners card that's why it sents me back to Cyworld US. I have all types of ID's my passaport, NY ID, Social Security, etc is this the foreigners card? Well thank you for your time. :)

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Postby dingguya » May 23rd, 2009 12:53 am

Ulver_684 wrote:
dingguya wrote:I wanted to create a Korean Cyworld account (with the help of my Korean girlfriend), but found out you have to have either a Korean social insurance number or a foreigners card.

Too bad because I have some Korean friends now and wanted to practice my Korean :(


Dingguya! :wink:

What do you mean by a foreigners card? I didn't know that I need that card. Ohhh maybe the KOREAN POP UP that appear on my computer when I try to register says I need a Korean social Insurance or foreigners card that's why it sents me back to Cyworld US. I have all types of ID's my passaport, NY ID, Social Security, etc is this the foreigners card? Well thank you for your time. :)

Hi :)

I actually managed to register an account. See my posting here: ... ight=#8522

Good luck ^^

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Re: Have you got a Cyworld page?

Postby Ulver_684 » June 8th, 2009 6:20 pm

hyunwoo wrote:Dear listeners,

If you've successfully made a Cyworld page of your own, how about sharing it and becoming 일촌 with everybody else ? :-)

(Here I mean the Korean Cyworld page. If you go to "" you might be automatically directed to the version in your own country, so go to "" to go to the Korean page directly.

If you've got a page, please share it with others, so we can meet there! Hopefully we can make more friends through one another! You know Cyworld is one of the best places online to make Korean friends!

Mine is


Hyunwoo Sun! :wink:

I'm finally at Cyworld Korea so here is mine and here is my other one in UsCyworld just sign up too
Everyone feel free to add me on both! 8) :wink:

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Postby owbEe » June 9th, 2009 2:09 am

Hi Sindy!

I added you up. ^^

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Postby Ulver_684 » June 14th, 2009 10:09 pm

owbEe wrote:Hi Sindy!

I added you up. ^^

OwbEe! :wink:

Thank you for adding me I make sure to add you, just need to find where is your friend's request message! :D

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Postby Eden » September 21st, 2009 1:51 am

i finally got one! =D mine is:

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Postby dea_gurl18 » April 13th, 2010 5:49 am

i've just made a cyworld.. here's mine :
pls add me :)

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Postby MelSymph » April 15th, 2010 11:48 pm

How is it that you have foreigner usernames without "ocy" in front? When I signed up about a month ago, they gave me an @nate account with "ocy_name." Is this new?

I'm also having trouble figuring out how to add people. ^^; My wireless connection isn't helping me either.

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