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Movie Review

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Movie Review

Postby maxiewawa » October 12th, 2008 1:38 am

I'm not sure if this thread has been started somewhere, here we go anyway.

I'm always at a loss for what Korean TV/Video to watch. Sometimes I go to the local DVD shop and choose something at random... if I watch another episode of a TV Drama about the ins and outs of a Korean romance I'm going to throw something at the TV... so I'm looking for some recommendations.

I saw Aachi & Ssipak the other day. It's the first Korean anime (yonhwa) that I've ever seen. It was great!

A warning though. It's full of violence and vulgarity. Let's just say that if you make it past the Star Wars style opening credits, keep in mind that it just gets more over the top.

It's hilarious if you like the Pulp Fiction, Korean or colourful animation. LIke I said though, it's rated "R" though.

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Postby matthew254 » October 12th, 2008 2:08 am

while mine isn't complete nor coherent at times, I have a personal Korean Movie and Drama review blog here:

If nothing else, It's a great place to start if you don't know what to watch or ever even heard of a particular k-film.

A more comprehensive and incredibly detailed blog can be found here: try searching by year - they do an awesome job of not only reviewing (although I strongly disagree on occasion) but also keep track of the financial statistics of how well the top ten movies did for any given year.

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Joined: August 20th, 2007 12:54 pm

Postby maxiewawa » October 14th, 2008 10:48 am

Thanks matthew! I can't find your rss feed! Or the one on the other site for that matter.

Thoughts? :D :D

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Joined: May 8th, 2008 6:55 pm

Postby matthew254 » October 14th, 2008 11:06 pm

maxiewawa wrote:Thoughts? :D :D

better watch it buster... :x

Yeah hanlingo doesn't have RSS yet and neither does - it's too bad too because when it gets updated is when I don't check it. However, typically the news section gets a new post once-twice a month and the yearly review page gets updated at least quarterly.

As far as mine goes, I just updated it yesterday and will likely update it once I complete a new movie (about once a month) Oh, and I'm always looking for suggestions/recommendations. If anyone has some good K-movies to suggest, please do so!


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Postby javiskefka » October 15th, 2008 12:27 am

matthew254 wrote:
maxiewawa wrote:Thoughts? :D :D

better watch it buster... :x

Yeah hanlingo doesn't have RSS yet and neither does - it's too bad too because when it gets updated is when I don't check it. However, typically the news section gets a new post once-twice a month and the yearly review page gets updated at least quarterly.

As far as mine goes, I just updated it yesterday and will likely update it once I complete a new movie (about once a month) Oh, and I'm always looking for suggestions/recommendations. If anyone has some good K-movies to suggest, please do so!


After reading some of you reviews, maybe you would enjoy 'The Classic' :twisted: .

Expert on Something
Posts: 282
Joined: May 8th, 2008 6:55 pm

Postby matthew254 » October 20th, 2008 5:56 am

RSS feed up and running for my livejournal
* Atom:
* RSS:

Also, I've updated the movie review blog and split it into two sections:

movies made 1999-2004

movies made 2005-2008


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