Hi ! It`s been a long time I came here ...
That`s quite funny/weird for me to have a reply from you since I listen to you everyday with the podcasts

I have to admit I enjoy listening to your podcasts, and I wonder if the students here at my university think of me as a mad guy when I`m laughing on my own listening to my pods... By the way is Miss Yun Seol there in the forum too ?
Anyway bonsoir Bouks and Keith

So yeah I`m a beginner, but becoming a false beginner or more (I hope) if I`m constant in my efforts. Since I know Japanese, this is very helpful, and memorizing hanjas pronunciation makes me learn more vocab naturally just by adding 2-3 sounds together. Thanks a lot Japanese, you made the work easier
Concerning the attraction, um, I think that Asian countries are very attractive for us, the same as European countries are attractive for Asian people. But as Korea, and Korean is concerned, I had interest long time ago because of the weird (not negatively

) alphabet. Japanese and the my 2 others language studies taking me all my time, I couldn`t afford to learn a new one. And then a Korean awoke my interest, and thanks to her, and other circumstancies, now I`m finally learning Korean ! Yeah !!!! And as Keith said Korean films are quite popular for those who know the quality of the scenario. I cannot forget Old Boy for that reason !
Bouks-> Yeah she`s a Marseillaise, a Korean Marseillaise

A true 부산인
아줌마? I prefer to say 누나, or even 누님, I like the sound