네 청개구리아:

어떻게 생각해요? 귀엽죠?
(edit) today i had a really funny conversation with 승진(english name: harrie) at the preschool where i work. generally we speak in a mix of english and korean so i'll write the conversation exactly how it happened:
random kid: hey miss emily, i'm 4
승진: i'm 5
me: how old am i?
승진: mmm.. one hundred!
me: ah! 아니... 나 아줌마 아나야!
승진: (hysterical laughter) 아줌마! (again, hysterical laughter)
me: no i'm twenty four.
승진: twenty four? miss katie (his teacher) is twenty nine.
me: see, i'm not 아줌마..
a little later:
me: 100....... (while shaking my head in disbelief)
승진: (still laughing hysterically) 아줌마..
me: 나 아줌마 아니야! 어떻게.. 나 슬퍼..
승진: (suddenly becomes serious and polite) 아니요. 아줌마 아니에요.
me: 그럼 뭐?
승진: 어린이에요.
haha! i was just kidding, but when he thought i was offended he quickly became apologetic and started using polite speech. it was cute.