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Postby catherinekim » March 5th, 2008 2:27 pm

안녕하세요! 저는 이름은 Catherine Kim임니다. 저는 미국에 태요낫슴니다, 저금 New York에이슴니다. 한극말 무레슴니다, 저금 한극말 베워슴니다.

That definitely made me break a sweat, I hope I didn't butcher it too much!

Hey my name is Catherine, I was born in America and currently live in New York.
I don't speak korean very well and hope to speak fluently someday. koreanclass101 has been an incredible resource! i am very very happy it exists. and everyone using it seems very friendly.
Some of the things I love: film, radiohead, coffee prince(love a girl who eats as much as i do), food of all kinds, street art(does korea have a street art community?), graphic design, and eating.


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Postby steved » March 5th, 2008 5:07 pm

안녕하세요 Catherine! 반갑습니다.

It looks like you have some knowledge of spoken Korean.

Here are some minor corrections:

저는 이름은 Catherine Kim임니다. --> 제 이름은 (or just 저는) Catherine Kim입니다. (sound change on that ㅂ to ㅁ because it comes before ㄴ)

저는 미국에 태요낫슴니다 --> 미국에서 태어났습니다.

저금 New York에이슴니다 --> 지금 New York에 있습니다.

한극말 무레슴니다 --> 한국말을 모릅니다.

저금 한극말 베워슴니다. --> 한국말을 조금 배웠습니다.

Now it is someone elses turn to correct me. :)

If you like shows about women who love to eat you should check out Hong Gil Dong (홍길동). It is now airing on TV and you can also get the torrents at d-addicts.

Anyway, Welcome!

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Postby Bouks » March 5th, 2008 8:41 pm

Welcome, Catherine! Choem boeugesseumnida. (I'm too much of a newbie to type that in Korean in less than 2 hours :lol: )

I don't do art in the street, but I sell my "art" (handmade jewelry) on the street sometimes - in fact I'm going to a local event this weekend.

Yes, the eating on Coffee Prince is impressive...I haven't watched much of the series but I caught the "eating contest" on there the other day. I can put away almost as much Phad Thai if I start out real hungry 8)
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

I invite you to check out my new blog about linguistics, translation and culture:

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Postby hyunwoo » March 6th, 2008 12:42 am

Catherine, 안녕하세요! Welcome to the site!! :-) 만나서 정말 반가워요! ^_^

한국에는... street art 가 많지 않아요. There's not much going on in Korea when it comes to street art, but I think if you go to 홍대(hongdae) or 대학로(daehakro), you can see some :-)

Hope to see you here often! 그리고 if you have any questions 언제든지 ask us! :-)

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Postby Keith » March 6th, 2008 1:27 am

Welcome Catherine! I'm from New York too ;) Not there now, but... my heart is always in New York!! :D

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Thanks everyone for the welcome, 방갑솜니다!

Postby catherinekim » March 6th, 2008 7:43 am

저는 한를말이(?) 예헤요(요?), 그럼(does guerom work as 'but'?) I have difficulty speaking it. I'm still learning the grammar and expanding my vocabulary, but if it seems that i'm doing an ok job then i must be learning! 저는 한를말이 잘 공부함니다.

oh new york. i used to miss california, my homestate, but new york has dug it's claws deep into my heart. 나는 서울 마니 보고십어요(마즈?). I haven't been since i was about 7. what does korean food that doesn't cost an 발 and a 다리 like?

also, i loved the 'eating out with the boss' video, you guys should do more similar to that, it was a lot of fun and very informative.

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Postby hyunwoo » March 6th, 2008 9:36 am

Catherine, I think you've got a lot of good Korean vocabulary :-) !! Keep up the good work!

I think Korean food outside of Korea can be A BIT different in taste from Korean food that's actually sold in Korea, and it can be A LOT more expensive than in Korea... hehe.

Usually a meal in Seoul costs me something like 4 ~ 5 USD :-) so it surely doesn't cost an arm and a leg ... 별로 안 비싸요 :-)

한국으로 여행 오세요!! :-)

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Postby javiskefka » March 6th, 2008 11:00 pm

Hi, Catherine. Welcome.

You're just spelling it how it sounds to you. Keep up the work.
한를말이=> 한국말을
예해요 => 이해해요
마니 => 많이
보고십어요 => 보고 싶어요
마즈 => 맞아

I miss inexpensive Korean food too (I studied abroad there a few years ago). Here in DC, you can't get Korean food at all without traveling about 30 minutes by car, so it's a rare treat for me.

I noticed in another thread that you posted a link to [LiNK]. I used to be a member of a campus chapter until the reorganization into a more centralized structure last spring.

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Postby catherinekim » March 9th, 2008 5:51 am

haha thanks javiskefka, i really to work on my spelling *-_-

adrian is a friend of mine, he lives and work in dc too! though he's always traveling for LiNK.

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Postby javiskefka » March 9th, 2008 6:22 am

You're welcome. You can call me Javis, or Jeff. You don't mind corrections, right? The correct spelling also tells you how to pronounce the words ;).

I had a chance to meet Adrian once when he came to be a speaker for a video screening event that we held on campus. It was just a brief meeting, but he's very memorable.

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