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New Intermediate and Lower Intermediate Lessons?!!!

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New Intermediate and Lower Intermediate Lessons?!!!

Postby Gudrun » July 6th, 2010 1:48 am

It would be great if KC101 would return to making new intermediate lessons and new lower intermediate lessons again. I feel like KC101 has pretty much abandoned this effort in favor of audio blogs and newbie content. All the intermediate lessons that are posted are repeats. I don't understand what's going on with the lack of NEW content. Can anyone give me an update and tell me if new intermediate lessons are even planned? (And lower intermediate lessons really do help people bridge the gap between beginner and intermediate lessons.)

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Postby bfanny » July 7th, 2010 6:38 am

I agree...

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Hello bfanny and Gudrun

Postby timandyou » July 8th, 2010 3:20 am

Thanks for your comment bfanny and Gudrun.

I do believe this, "someone would suggest and complain about something because he/she does care for the something!"

I do feel and think you guys do care for
For that, I do feel shame on myself.

I'd like to teach you more Korean and I'd like to be your Korean friend but,
in reality it's not easy.

I have been making Absolute Beginner Season 2 Lessons and New Audio Blog Season 5.
As you just mentioned - "I feel like KC101 has pretty much abandoned this effort in favor of audio blogs and newbie content." - I do feel and see your point.

If I have two bodies - two brains, 4 eyes, 4 ears, 4 eyes, 20 fingers... - I will definitely take care of the intermediate lessons. BUT, I have only one body.

Previous team made a number of Beginners and Intermediate lessons (at least, there are 3, 4 seasons for each level). There was only 1 Absolute Beginner Season when I entered this company. SO it's clear for me which lessons I should create myself - Absolute Beginner.

Audio Blog is a bit deifferent since it is 100% Korean.

I understand your point of view and the reason you brouhgt your suggestion.
I do really feel sorry. If I get used to make lessons so all the process becomes faster, I will really consider your point of view and deeply take care of it.

Both of you deeply worry about our site.
Both of you deeply want to learn Korean more.
Both of you are Korean lovers.

I do know and I do feel your pain.
Give me and give our team more time.
We will take care of Intermediate levels as soon as possible.


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Postby bfanny » July 8th, 2010 7:00 am

Thank you very much!!
Cheer up ;) :P

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Resource problem?

Postby Carsten » July 8th, 2010 2:02 pm

I think you should not be putting shame on yourself. We all can only do so much and I am sure you are investing a lot of time here.

But I must say that the output on this site has become much less and, in particular, for intermediate and advanced learners. A few months ago, I prolonged my subscription to this site for two years - it was a fair offer but I assumed that the service for intermediate / advanced learners would not change significantly. But it has. Just some months after subscribing for two years, the world here has changed completely: there are no more advanced lessons, no new intermediate lessons and the Audio blogs are less than half of what they used to be. For my level, the offering has dropped by around 80% and that is a tough policy for a paying service!

I do not know what happened but it seems that many team members left? Again, no blame on you Tim but the company that is running this service should provide the resources to keep the level. I guess this means having enough people on the team.

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thanks Carsten,

Postby timandyou » July 9th, 2010 1:20 am

I do agree with you.

Yes, I will not put shame on myself.
The matter of fact is I've been (more than 100%) putting all my effort and energy on the new lessons.

I know one thing!
I am here, not because my company hires me but because you guys listen to my lessons.
I am valuable as long as there are listeners who seek for my lessons. On the other hand, I am not valuable if there are no listeners who seek for my lessons since my lessons fail to create 'values'.
That's my core belief!

I do understand many complaints and frustration!
But, I and.. the new team is working harder everyday.
Thanks for your great concern on
We will do our best to meet customers' expectation!

Tim 8)
Last edited by timandyou on September 6th, 2010 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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more lessons would be nice

Postby crabstix » September 5th, 2010 5:41 am

I love the intermediate lessons. The pre-intermediate lessons were excellent too. I'd love to see more quality lessons in say intermediate Season 3

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Hello Everyone~~

Postby timandyou » September 6th, 2010 1:29 am

Good news for you guys~~
I (Tim) is going to build new Series for Lower Intermediate!!!
I hope I can meet you guys throughout the new series.

Tim 8)

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Postby crabstix » September 6th, 2010 1:53 am

Wow! Thanks. I can't wait! Thanks for responding to the needs of the listeners^^

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Looking for update on intermediate lessons

Postby heyjonesie » December 14th, 2010 2:30 pm

I renewed by subscription in August with the hope of some new Intermediate lessons but still no nothing since the Sept transition to the new korean team.

I like the new beginner lessons, i've pointed some folks to it but for me there isn't much new. And the audio blog is just too complex listenting while in transit.

Please post an ETA when a new season of intermediate might be headed out.

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Hello heyjonesie,

Postby timandyou » December 15th, 2010 1:47 am

Hello heyjonesie,
This is Tim from
YES! We ( are scheduled to publish a new series for 'Lower Intermediate Season 2' starting from Jan 4th, 2011.
This new series will blow your mind away (why? because it contains funny & interesting dialogues, effective explanation, good Korea info, very detailed lesson notes, and many more...)!
I really hope to meet many listeners throughout this new series.
Ah! what's more... we are scheduled to publish all new 'All About' series and 'Basic Bootcamp' series as well starting from next year.
Isn't that great!??
Tim 8)

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