this is first time i tried korean class, after i felt Japanesepod101 is really useful.
in fact, i love japanese more than korean language. please don't study a language because of the teacher, i have met a lot of good japanese teachers in those regular language class unfortunately they never fail to leave us after one year of teaching.
Changing of teacher is good in someway, you get to be familiar with different natives accents and way of speaking.
i am going to subscribe because i just want to learn this language..well to watch korean dramas and songs.. it's not so useful actually because i am staying in singapore and has no intention to visit korea..well..maybe it's too early to say now?!
learning a language takes a lot of time and effort, i can't be giving up after one year my ideal japanese teacher leaves me right..i think if he/she has sincere good intention, she would hope to see me exploring the language and their culture to the next level =)
all the best to your learning korean language