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Palm/PDA dictionary

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Palm/PDA dictionary

Postby _petiteclaire_ » November 3rd, 2007 5:31 pm

hi !

Do you know of a korean electronic dictionary to use on a palm/PDA, or which could be converted for such use (in .dic format for example) ? Japanese has Edict and Padict; chinese has Cedict; I'm still looking for a korean dictionary to add to my palm (I'm using a Tungsten E with both dictionaries cited above, CJKOS and J-OS). I've seen one on Roadlingua's site, which is free, but :

1) it only seems to be english-korean and not the other way around
2) roadlingua's dictionary aren't always all that great...

can you help ?


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Postby hyunwoo » November 12th, 2007 10:42 am


unfortunately I don't have any info on this yet, but I'll keep looking ! thanks!!

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DS Dictionary

Postby John » November 13th, 2007 2:24 pm

hyunwoo, I found on the net a Korean dictionary for the Nintendo DS, it's called "Touch Dictionary", unfortunately I can't find anywhere on the internet to buy it because it is not manufactured anymore, is there a used video game store in Korea that would sell that? We have places here, if by chance you come across a copy somewhere I will reimburse you the cost and of course the shipping.
there is some info on it.

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Postby hyunwoo » November 20th, 2007 3:58 am

John, I've looked for it on some internet websites in Korean, but couldn't find the specific product yet, but I'll let you know if I see it!

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Postby John » November 20th, 2007 2:19 pm

I really appreciate it, I did find a Korean web-site that sells it I Korean isn't good enough....but I think theres a way to order it from....I didn't bookmark it, now I can't find it again...damn. :cry:

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Postby John » January 30th, 2008 3:47 pm

found it!! ... =touch+dic

I can't order it though, I am not sure how to use gmarket from here with all the depositing of funds and overseas shipping and so on....

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Postby steved » January 30th, 2008 4:41 pm

the easiest way to get one of these if you were interested would be to have someone in Korea buy it for you and then ship it here. You may even be able to ask you kocal Korean grocer to try to find one. :)

The banking system in Korea is very different from the United States when it comes to how individuals interact with it. Because Korea is still primarily a cash based society (and I think this is a good thing, although it is gradually being taken over by credit cards) and checking accounts like we know them don't exist, most money exchanges happen electronically. Can you imagine trying to deposit $1000 in ten dollar bills via an ATM here in the States? No problem in Korea. The ATM counts the money, stamps your passbook and tells you to have a nice day all in one breath. Very cool. Sorry about being off-topic.

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Postby ddong_gae » May 9th, 2008 7:52 am

Take a look at LingvoSoft. They have a Korean package deal for WM5/6 PDAs. I currently have the following installed on my phone. It one of those new fangled PDA/Phones.

Talking Dictionary
Talking Picture Dictionary
It has some pretty cool features too. You can actually speak a word into your PDA and it will find phrases with that word using voice recognition.

So if you say in English .. "help" It will show the dictionary entries and some phrases, then you can push "play" it is speaks them out. Pretty sweet but certainly not 100% correct all the time.

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Postby javiskefka » May 9th, 2008 9:56 am

This method is a little convoluted, so bear with me.

* There is an interface to the Google language tools machine translation service through Google Talk
* Assuming that you have an account with Googletalk, you can add the contacts and
* By starting a chat with one of these, any message that you send will be machine translated and spit back to you
* By installing a chatting client like JiveTalk, you can use you googletalk account on your phone (Be careful that you have chatting included in your phone plan, or you will be charged for the data transfers)
* Presto, English->Korean and Korean->English (if you can input Korean on your device, which I can't) machine translation on the go

Granted, the syntax of the translations can be pretty bad, but it has surprising accuracy in many cases, including some idioms:
Why you fronting? -> 왜 잘난척? :lol:

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