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Same word in multiple flashcard decks

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Same word in multiple flashcard decks

Postby maneo70002968 » May 8th, 2013 12:02 am

As I go through the lessons I always add the vocab words from that lesson to my flashcards. When I study, I always "review all"

My question is, am I double studying words which appear in two decks? If so, is there any other solution other than deleting repetition words from decks?

If the study all feature does in fact manage repeated words properly, will it list a deck as 100% learned even if one of the words might be in another deck which I had previously learned 100%? Because I can see that my progress for certain words is different depending on which deck I am looking at...

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Re: Same word in multiple flashcard decks

Postby paloma_ill » May 13th, 2013 11:25 pm

Hi maneo70002968,
When you use "Review all", you're studying all Flashcards again. So, if you have the same word in different decks, it'll be repeated in the "Review all". There is no other solution except deleting repetition word from other deck.

Also, what you study in the "Review all" should not count in the percentage of each deck progress.

I hope it helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,
Team KoreanClass101

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Re: Same word in multiple flashcard decks

Postby maneo70002968 » May 17th, 2013 12:14 pm

Oh, in that case it seems like it might be easier if I had all my cards in one deck so I can easily find duplicates.

Is there any way to combine decks into one without losing the progress on words in the deck their currently in? Using the "move card" feature in the deck editor does not seem to move the progress or anything, it just makes another copy of the card that must be "relearned" even though I might know it perfectly already.

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Re: Same word in multiple flashcard decks

Postby paloma_ill » May 21st, 2013 12:24 am

maneo70002968 wrote:Oh, in that case it seems like it might be easier if I had all my cards in one deck so I can easily find duplicates.

Is there any way to combine decks into one without losing the progress on words in the deck their currently in? Using the "move card" feature in the deck editor does not seem to move the progress or anything, it just makes another copy of the card that must be "relearned" even though I might know it perfectly already.

Hi maneo70002968,

We still don't have any system that allow you to transfer your progress when moving your card from one deck to the other.
We'll consider your feedback when improving our Flashcards system :D

Good luck with your Korean learning! Please let us know if you have any other questions or comments!

Team KoreanClass101

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