I have a question (that may have been asked here already), but why are you interested in Korea? Not just the language, but the country/culture etc etc...?
I know it may sound simple, but I'm actually very interested to hear/read your answers...
Korea has always been a part of me (having been born there etc etc

This is your chance to rant and tell the world (well... at least the KC101 community) all about your obsessions, interests and qualms with a country I know very well, yet don't know at all.
Also: I write in my blog A LOT (for anyone who reads it, you'd be aware of this! LOL.) And I'd actually really like to write something on people's views/thoughts/feelings about Korea and such. If you DO NOT want your answers (or part thereof) mentioned in my blog, please let me know!^^
A big thankyou to anyone who replies to this topic. Believe it or not, you're doing me a great service.^^