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Starting a conversation

Postby maxiewawa » July 22nd, 2008 8:03 am

For a change, I've come to my local library to use the internet.

There's a girl sitting right opposite me studying Korean. I want to say hello or something, but can't think of what to say. As I mentioned, it's a library and everyone's silent. She's studying silently, copying things into her notebook. I don't want to disturb her, but I want to think of something natural to say.

Maybe I can ask her to look after my stuff while I go to the 화장실... or ask if I can use her pen or something. I'll ask in Korean, then look confused when she answers in Chinese.

Anyway, let me know what I should say soon, the place closes up soon!

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Postby shanshanchua » July 22nd, 2008 8:32 am

So what did you say??? :D

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Postby Bouks » July 22nd, 2008 10:35 am

Oh, darn, I missed this post! 뭐를말했어요?

I think you should have said: 쥐를잡자, 쥐를잡자, 직,직,직!
Then she would have said: 몇마리?
And you say: 2 마리!
She: 잡았다!
You: 놓쳤다!
She: 잡았다!
The whole library in chorus: 만-세!!!

...or maybe not... :roll: :lol:
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

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Postby maxiewawa » July 22nd, 2008 12:44 pm

Bouks I don't know what that means!!! 미안헤!

I ended up saying nothing. I'm not usually shy, but in a quiet library with everyone engrossed in books, I was too embarassed to tap her on the shoulder and ask 한국어 겅부?

But whenever I'm in the Korean textbook section I always find someone to talk to, even if it's just to ask them the time.

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Postby Bouks » July 22nd, 2008 5:01 pm

미안해요 Max 씨! When it comes to cute Korean games, I get carried away. There used to be a hilarious game on a Korean TV show called "Happy Sunday". It was called 쥐를잡자 - "Catch The Mouse". I didn't know it at the time, but the show involved a famous Korean boy band called TVXQ.

Their fans clamored to learn the game, so they put out a video teaching it in English, that I submit for your viewing pleasure:

One of my big goals in life is to spread the goodness of "Catch The Mouse" throughout the universe. Join me!
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

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Postby ekevin » July 24th, 2008 3:13 am

Just checked out the video Bouks.
Very funny - thanks for the link. maxiwawa definitely should have tried it in the library^^

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Postby Keith » July 24th, 2008 9:20 am

lol Bouks.... great suggestion, but don't know if everyone would know to say 만세!... hehe

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Postby maxiewawa » July 24th, 2008 10:44 am

Hhaa that cracks me up!

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Postby rooraa » July 24th, 2008 4:39 pm

Bouks wrote:Oh, darn, I missed this post! 뭐를말했어요?

I think you should have said: 쥐를잡자, 쥐를잡자, 직,직,직!
Then she would have said: 몇마리?
And you say: 2 마리!
She: 잡았다!
You: 놓쳤다!
She: 잡았다!
The whole library in chorus: 만-세!!!

...or maybe not... :roll: :lol:

ㅋㅋㅋ!! At first, I had to reread your post over a few time before I relized it was the Catch the Mouse game! ㅎㅎ, that would be INSANE if the whole library really did that! :lol:
Hmm, i should try that during lunchtime at my school when I go back :wink:

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Postby maxiewawa » July 25th, 2008 3:11 am

I think our next homework should be based on that game!

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Postby Bouks » July 25th, 2008 9:09 am

One day, they played in English on that show (they did many variations of this game over time)...warning: you'll bust a gut laughing at this!
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

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Postby hyunwoo » July 25th, 2008 9:56 pm

Hahahaha, Bouks, how did you find that video? o.O

That was HILIAROUS! 너무 재미있어요!!

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Postby Bouks » July 25th, 2008 10:44 pm

Hyunwoo, I bet it was even more hilarious for you...I don't understand most of the things they said in between rounds!

I stumbled across this one while I was looking through all the "Catch the Mouse" clips - there are a whole bunch, including "sexy catch the mouse" (more silly than sexy, and equally hilarious) and the "kimbap version", kind of interesting. I just clicked on things I saw in "related videos" while watching the clips.

I also thoroughly enjoy "Dibidibi", which was another game they used to play in that show. But it's much less of a linguistic challenge - the only thing you have to say while playing that game is "dibi-dibi-DEEP!"

...which, by the way, I don't recommend Max saying to people in the library. And maybe some other places. (But do see the clips!)
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

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Postby hyunwoo » July 26th, 2008 2:39 am

네 ㅎㅎㅎ 진짜 웃겼어요.
Yes it was really funny.

It was funny when the Brian keeps saying the numbers in Korean and he gets asked "미국에서 몇 년 살았죠? (How many years did you live in America for?)" and answers "18년... (18 years)" and he's told "영어가 서투네 (You're not so good at English.)" (서툴다 = to be a beginner at / to be bad at)


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