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Non-ESL-teaching jobs?

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Non-ESL-teaching jobs?

Postby isaacristich » January 25th, 2009 7:31 pm

Can anybody recommend a resource for non-teaching jobs in Korea? I am planning to move to Korea in about a year and a half, and start my own business.

I've thought that it might be worthwhile working for a short while to improve my Korean speaking skill and understanding of culture (bargaining!)

My primary background is actually in TV/Film production, but I have heard that the film industry in Korea is quite difficult to work in due to a number of factors (unstable, low pay, etc.). I was a creative director at a production company in L.A. for a number of years, and now I work as an I.T. consultant, and frankly would be willing to do just about anything so long as it's not teaching English!

I have been checking a number of sites ,, with minimal success

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Postby matthew254 » January 25th, 2009 9:13 pm ... 31780.html
this podcast episode is an interview with a foreigner who owns his own language academy in Korea. It covers some basics about operating, setting up shop, and obtaining proper licenses in Korea. It's not exactly a resource but still a nice 19 minute long interview.

hope it helps!

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Postby isaacristich » January 26th, 2009 2:08 am

Thanks, I'm already an avid listener and actually have been speaking with Derek back and forth for some time regarding my plans... this is helpful info but I am not planning to open a 영어 학원...

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Postby John » January 26th, 2009 4:07 pm

Not because I am in a spot in my life where this would be possible for me, but I have researched the exact same thing, and I got nowhere, let us know if you find a resource for this, I would be interested in looking at the info for myself.

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Postby kyuree » January 26th, 2009 10:55 pm

I have no idea whether this works but I thought about it, too.
I just finished uni (I'm an engineer now I guess) and some time in the future I would like to work in Korea, too. It's easiest if your local company can send you.
But since you're not currently working as an IT consultant, you could try to find out what kind of American (etc. ...) companies exist in Korea. Try to contact them (in English) and tell them you would like to work as an IT consultant in Korea.
I, too, tried to look through job sites but there are few jobs and most require >5 yrs experience (which I obviously don't have) or fluent Korean (I wouldn't be at this site then...).

I'm thinking of applying at Bosch (German company) but I have the feeling they would only take me as an intern... :( :roll:

Either way, good luck!!
And tell us how it goes! :)
unfortunately having half a set of Korean genes doesn't come w/ a language gene

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Postby cheri » January 27th, 2009 9:01 am

There aren't a ton of postings, but you could also check this out -

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Postby isaacristich » February 14th, 2009 2:51 am

I'll continue to keep you all updated while I'm constantly checking the job listings...

My girlfriend and I are trying to decide what the next step is. I am going to be in Andong-si/ Seoul, and will be traveling throughout Korea for a while (might be going to Jeju-do as well) in March for three weeks and hope to spend some time finding out first-hand, and hope to make a more informed decision based on my time there.

For now, I am studying in the evenings for a couple of hours a day while I still work my full-time consulting job. Really looking forward to the visit though!

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Postby kyuree » March 4th, 2009 2:36 pm

unfortunately having half a set of Korean genes doesn't come w/ a language gene

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Postby cheri » March 7th, 2009 5:06 am

kyuree wrote:Soccer commentator, anyone? :lol:

Ooh, I'm there! Ha ha how random.
Attempts to blog in Korean^^

Ramblings about things related to (and sometimes not related to) Korea..usually this translates to FOOD^^

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Postby gillesvdp » March 16th, 2009 11:00 am

Just want to drop a note on getting a Korean work visa.

I had been looking at the g4f website to see which visa I could get depending on the job I get (assuming I get a job); and to actually see if I could get a visa.
Then as I could not find a few specific information about E-7 and E-8 visas, I called the Korean Embassy in Belgium and they said that usually, no matter what, if I get a job in Korea, I will get a visa.

So they told me that when I get a job, I just have to give them a call, tell them what kind of job I got and they would try to make me fit into one of the numerous categories*.

Bottomline is: focus on getting a job, and don't worry about the visa stuff. ;-)

* C-4, D-7, D-8, E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6, E-7, E-8, E-9, E-10, F-2, F-4, F-5, H-1, H-2, and a few others were employment is permitted as a non primary activity...
Last edited by gillesvdp on November 7th, 2010 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby matthew254 » March 20th, 2009 10:30 pm ... a-request/
comment section has a few related suggestions

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Postby nkoroi » October 7th, 2009 2:14 pm

Hi. I was also wondering the same thing. I'm an EMT. Is there anything equivalent in Korea and how to I find out more info?

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