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Korean Indie Music

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Korean Indie Music

Postby dingguya » May 23rd, 2009 2:34 am

I'm into indie and alternative music a lot and while visiting Korea for 2 weeks I attended a concert there of 소규모-아카시아밴드 (Sogyumo Acacia Band). They played at 상상마당 Live Hall and I uploaded a movie of one of the songs on Youtube.

Check it out:

I was wondering if there are any good Korean indie bands out there. My (Korean) girlfriend is luckily into the same music as I am, so she gave me a bunch of names (i.e. Lucid Fall).

Share your Korean indie/alternative music here! ^^

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Postby Eton » May 27th, 2009 10:21 pm

Nell. You probably already know this group but it's the only indie band I know. They are still active with only releasing their lastest album last year. My favourite song of their's is A.S which is on the album Healing Process.
I love Korean Pop <3

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Postby dingguya » May 30th, 2009 4:21 pm

Yup I know Nell, it's one of my girlfriend's favorites too :)

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Postby bobharris » June 3rd, 2009 1:54 pm

You should give "peppertones" a listen. They are an underground kpop band.

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Postby erich » June 3rd, 2009 9:43 pm

Does anyone know if there is a site like in Korea? I haven't been able to locate any Korean artist over there...

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indie music

Postby mmhmmrachel » June 9th, 2009 9:03 pm

Indie Music is my favorite! : )

I have tons of parentheses I'll put my most recommended song by them ^^ All of these songs should be on youtube..

언니네 이발관 (아름다운 것)

메이트 (Come back to me, 그리워 is also amazing, this band is new too! )

My Aunt Mary (With, 우리 사랑하지만 is also really good, it features another good artist, 지선 from loveholic which is alternative I believe)

김정치마 (Avant Garde Kim)

Epitone Project (그대는 어디에)

브로콜리 너마저 - (앵콜요청금지)

노 리플라이 - (고백)

뜨거운 감자 - (비 눈물)

짙은 - (괜찮아)

루시드 폴 - (풍경은 언제나)

보드카 레인 - (100퍼센트)

재주 소년 - (오사카)

I hope you like some of these! : )

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Joined: October 27th, 2008 3:07 pm

Postby gracielish » June 10th, 2009 12:19 am

Indie Artists:
타루 (From "The Melody," another indie group)

There's also some good fusion music that breaks out of the pop mold:
m-flo (he's ethnic Korean, but sings in Japanese, sometime mixes in some Korean & English)
Humming Urban Stereo

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