"that guy" = "그딴 놈"
Right, Matthew?
ㅎㅎ right as always, my friend

crewpanda22 wrote:One of my friends even commented on how Korean born Koreans don't talk to him and his other ABKs. I know this question doesn't fall into my original topic, but any reasons as to why this happens?
can-o-worms, my friend. can-o-worms.
I get to play the foreigner card quite often (although I like to only reserve it for emergency situations of gross misconduct). I'm white. I look like a frat guy. I'm from Texas. I have blue eyes. I'm one of
those foreigners. So, when I speak with a goofy accent, or use strange intonation (read: sound like a girl), or do culturally questionable things, it's more than forgivable.
However, people who are of Korean ancestry - be it adopted, half-Korean, Korean-American, 일점오세, etc - are held to a different standard. Some Koreans may be disappointed that an adopted Korean does not speak the language (assuming that the adoptive parents would have surely taught the child his/her mother tongue). So, while this is not true for all people, I have run into this with some friends of varying Korean backgrounds.