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싸이월드 Cyworld! Can I join too...?

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Postby manyakumi » August 30th, 2008 9:25 am

austinfd wrote:Does Opera solve *most* of your troubles when using a mac? The trouble is.... I think it's usually the ActiveX things I want to use on a Korean website, but cant!

Yeah.. I got your point.

I was saying about seeing and leaving comments on cyworld mini homepages.
I usually use safari for my main browser and only use opera just for looking around cyworld homepages.
Of course I gave up the ActiveX things long time ago. :cry:

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Postby sierras3 » September 2nd, 2008 1:02 am

Ahhh... this has gotten me interested :P I shall apply for one ASAP :D My office blocks Cyworld though :( Can only muck around with it at home :lol:

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Postby rooraa » September 2nd, 2008 4:56 am

ognistik wrote:hey roora, you don't really need your drivers licence. You only need any ID that has your photo and your name. I sent a scan of my passport, but I've some friends that have sent their student ID and they accept it. There's actually a lot of tutorials for english speakers that want to use korean cyworld, maybe you can just google it.

I have a cyworld myself even without understanding how I did it... lol... just following tutorials. It's quite useful to keep in touch with Korean friends

*mouth drops open* !!!!!!!!!!!! 진짜???!! Then I am going to try to sign up again! :D :D :D

ㅎI never even thought about looking up tutorials, good call =]

EDIT: 왜요?? 왜요?? I tried a billion times to sign up but I keep getting the "Data error! Please, type the correct information" I don't understand what I am doing wrong.... :cry:
For the contact section they have an example "ex : 82-2-XXX-XXXX" Am I supposed to put in 82-2 in the first 2 boxes? Or the country code and area code of where I live?

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Postby theresa » September 6th, 2008 3:57 pm

yes, i think you have to put in the country code you're in. that's what i did for mine anyways and it worked. haha.

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Postby javiskefka » September 7th, 2008 3:37 am

The country code for the US is 1.

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i cant join 'cuase the foreing code key

Postby frankmx » October 4th, 2008 10:26 pm

cyworld is not the only case; nate on, daum, or another korean website, for me at least. i have had problems for join in or have a new account T0T.

i had been asking by one friend & he told me in case of mexican people want a account

we must live in korea like a resident foreingner or be a korean guy....

i think that it would be cool having a korean account for join in cyworld...

but nowadays for me is very hardest!!!

i dunno how T0T....

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Postby erich » October 5th, 2008 6:14 am

Hi folks,

Cyworld is not for me because I am a Linux user using Firefox. There's a very interesting post for those computer-interested people about the web in South Korea here: ... k-in-Korea

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Postby matthew254 » October 5th, 2008 7:08 am

I thought that article was interesting too. So much so that i researched some more and used it for the basis of an upcoming blog entry :)

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Postby javiskefka » October 5th, 2008 12:51 pm

matthew254 wrote:I thought that article was interesting too. So much so that i researched some more and used it for the basis of an upcoming blog entry :)

Definitely check out this article. For me, its the definitive piece on the IE and MS Windows lock in issue.

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Postby matthew254 » October 25th, 2008 11:31 pm
are two great starting points for anyone looking to startup their own cyworld page. Here's my quickie prep list.

* be prepared to wait and email them constantly - mine took over 45 days to process
* send them anything they want but do so at your own risk - i scanned and emailed my passport and driver's license several times
* when you get your password - do not forget it - it is a pain to get a new one
* use Internet Explorer only to view/edit your cyworld
* get ready to low tech it - is still web 1.0
* get your dictionary out because it's all in korean
* do not sign up for the US version of cyworld - you can't communicate with your friends with the KOR version


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Postby Ulver_684 » May 6th, 2009 7:33 pm

manyakumi wrote:
austinfd wrote:Does Opera solve *most* of your troubles when using a mac? The trouble is.... I think it's usually the ActiveX things I want to use on a Korean website, but cant!

Yeah.. I got your point.

I was saying about seeing and leaving comments on cyworld mini homepages.
I usually use safari for my main browser and only use opera just for looking around cyworld homepages.
Of course I gave up the ActiveX things long time ago. :cry:

Manyakumi! :wink:

I'm still waiting for you to help me out to sign up on cyworld! :(
Please can someone help me out I really want to join cyworld Korea I try again but it won't let me register a korean pop up message appears and I don't understand what it says please help me! :(

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Postby manyakumi » May 7th, 2009 5:22 am

Ulver_684 wrote: Manyakumi! :wink:

I'm still waiting for you to help me out to sign up on cyworld! :(

I'm still waiting for you too. :wink:

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Postby dingguya » May 23rd, 2009 12:31 am

Ulver_684 wrote:Please can someone help me out I really want to join cyworld Korea I try again but it won't let me register a korean pop up message appears and I don't understand what it says please help me! :(

I just followed this guide: ... -t2640.htm
Seemed to be working.

I'm waiting for them to approve my registration now :)

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Postby Ulver_684 » May 30th, 2009 10:07 pm

dingguya wrote:
Ulver_684 wrote:Please can someone help me out I really want to join cyworld Korea I try again but it won't let me register a korean pop up message appears and I don't understand what it says please help me! :(

I just followed this guide: ... -t2640.htm
Seemed to be working.

I'm waiting for them to approve my registration now :)

Dingguya/Manyakumi! :wink:

I'm finally at Cyworld Korea so here is mine and here is my other one in UsCyworld just sign up too
Everyone feel free to add me on both, thank you for the help!

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Postby Eton » June 25th, 2009 8:58 am

My Korean friend helped me get an account but I do not have any ID that also has a picture of me in it, so I have to wait till I can get my driver license latter this year as I turn 15 next friday =/
I love Korean Pop <3

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