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Postby mella » April 9th, 2009 8:27 am

Which textbook do learn korean with?
I'm blending KoreanClass with Supermemo, but actually I didn't study from any textbooks. I've used a Rosetta Stone account, but the vocabulary is too far from good: the method works, but they can teach you only basic (very basic) vocabulary.
Thank you very much!

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Postby syn70 » May 18th, 2009 4:50 am

Korean Made Easy for Beginners was suggested by a friend of mine. I did not get it yet though.

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Postby kyuree » May 19th, 2009 9:09 am

I can recommend Sogang ^^. It focuses on dialogues/speaking and has a workbook, too. We use the books in my Korean classes at the embassy.
unfortunately having half a set of Korean genes doesn't come w/ a language gene

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Postby Alexis » May 19th, 2009 12:42 pm

I know someone posted it on here sometime ago, but where can you get the Sogang books from? Can you study from them alone, or do you need something else as well? Not that KC101 hasn't been great, but I'm thinking that I kinda need another source to learn from...
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Postby shanshanchua » May 19th, 2009 1:36 pm

Alexis - you can get Sogang books from and (english sites).

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Postby gillesvdp » May 22nd, 2009 8:59 pm

I have been studying with the Kyunghee University books.
They are great too!

But having never seen a Sogang book before, it will be hard to compare both
Last edited by gillesvdp on November 7th, 2010 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Korean textbooks

Postby Gudrun » June 5th, 2009 6:51 pm

I've used several Korean textbooks, including the ones published by Sogang and SNU along with the books authored by Ross King. I think some of the best books for self-study are published by They're only available by mail-order from the publisher and they don't have any CDs although they do have some mp3 files that can be downloaded. They also sell a workbook and you can request an answer key from the publisher too. I think their books are well organized with vocabulary lists at the beginning of each chapter and grammar explanations throughout. I actually find their books more "user friendly" than the other books I mentioned above but the Sogang series does a better job emphasizing conservation--and the new Sogang books have CDs for both the workbooks and textbooks.

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Postby Gudrun » June 5th, 2009 6:53 pm

Publisher's name is
Sorry about that!

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