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Korean adoptees...

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Postby kyuree » May 2nd, 2009 2:17 pm

Alexis wrote:
kyuree wrote:Nice blog of an adoptee (Land of the Not So Calm ;) )

edit: oh, Alexis, you know the blog already. I saw your comments haha

Hehe, yeah. I've known the girl who runs that blog for a while now!^^ I even have her added on Facebook! ^_^

yeah I've seen her comment on your posts on facebook
unfortunately having half a set of Korean genes doesn't come w/ a language gene

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Postby Alexis » May 3rd, 2009 1:06 pm

Part of the reason why I blog is to network with other adoptees. That's what sucks about being in Australia - there aren't any adoptee networks like there are in the US and Europe. :-( At least we have internets... =P
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Postby javiskefka » May 20th, 2009 11:23 pm

This video might be of interest to you:

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Postby Alexis » May 21st, 2009 12:55 am

Oh wow...! Thanks so much, Jeff! ...I'd actually consider doing that... :P
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Postby javiskefka » May 21st, 2009 4:14 am

No problem. I found the video because someone I used to work with back in DC posted it on her facebook wall.

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Postby Alexis » May 21st, 2009 4:57 am

Well, I'd really consider going on that. LOL. If I go live in Korea, I might! HAHA.

Everyone: look out for me on Korean TV! LOL.

Seriously, though, thanks Jeff.
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Postby javiskefka » May 21st, 2009 5:10 am

I'm not sure if you noticed, but she was doing the interview via webcam from New Jersey. Also, it seems that her participation was facilitated by the Korean NGO GOAL: There's a contact e-mail in the description of the video.

This is a little off-topic, but there's actually a long history of using TV and radio to reunite separated family members in Korea. During the division and war, and confusion afterwards a lot of families got separated. Many didn't know if spouses, parents, siblings, etc were even alive, and if they were where they could be, so in the 70s and 80s the Korean branch of the Red Cross partnered with various South Korean media to give such people air time to say what family members they were missing and descriptions of where they last saw them. It was really popular and helped a lot of people find their missing families. Unfortunately there are still a lot of cases where accident or geography or politics has prevented separated families from being reunited.

You can read about this issue in Faithful Endurance, by Choong Soon Kim, or get an up-to-date look in Korea's Separated families, by James Foley.

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Joined: January 5th, 2009 5:37 am

Postby Alexis » May 21st, 2009 6:00 am

Yeah, I noticed it was via Skype or something. Which is great. I just think it would be... I dunno... fun to actually go on the show. LOL. I mean, imagine if my (or someone else's) birth parents actually saw it and I was already in the country! Be an amazing (but scary) experience, I think! :shock: I think I'd be scared, to tell you the truth. HAHA.

You know a lot, Jeff. It's very helpful! ^_^ Thanks. I think I might do some reading into that topic. I e-mailed the people at GOAL, so I'm hoping they reply... sometime! It's good that people like GOAL exist these days... I'm glad Korean society seems to be becoming more aware of us adoptees. Kinda... validates our existence a bit more. It's just nice to know we're at least acknowledged by the society we came from!!
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