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K-dramas are still better!

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Postby Taliana » January 25th, 2009 5:49 pm

Ah really? Most of the ones that I have been watching over the past year have been 24 episodes long. I guess it depends what it is and how the reception to it has been throughout filming, since some are still in-progress even as they start to air. Guess it depends on the storyline too, there is only so far you can spin out a standard plot, whereas ones with more twists and things will take long to resolve and need more episodes.

I keep meaning to watch 1 litre of tears, but I have other things to watch before that XD I have 2 episodes left of 홍길동 (it's taken me SO LONG to watch it because I love it so much that I just don't want it to end!), and then I'm planning on watching Beethoven Virus, and Boys Over Flowers. I try to not have more than a couple of dramas on the go at the same time, or else I get mixed up with what's happening where XD; I also wanted to finish Fantasy Couple and My Girl, but I've forgotten where I'm up to on both of those e_e

I tried to watch Winter Sonata though, and couldn't get through it. It was getting so depressing!

I liked the tricks and stuff on Liar Game too, the concept itself I liked, it was just the acting XD but that is my problem with a lot of jdramas, and if the story itself is good enough to keep my interest then I can sit through it and ignore the acting. Like Ryuusei no Kizuna, I finished that one a couple of weeks ago. I absolutely adored the story though, and was hooked on it. Same went for Code Blue, the acting may have been questionable quite often (compared to Western medical dramas) but I loved it anyway (... I loved Yamapi's hair in that most of all). Really though, compared to some other jdramas, those things don't seem like over acting at all. It's just a bit of a mixed bag, and comes down to personal taste, I have friends who are totally in love with this drama or that drama, and for me to sit through even the first episode has made me feel like someone dragging their nails down a chalkboard. And then vice versa, there's been some stuff that I've adored and my friends have hated it so much. HAHA my friends and I are a mixed bunch, we either have exactly the same taste, or exactly the opposite, and we never know which it's gonna be XD

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Postby kyuree » January 26th, 2009 9:28 am

Taliana wrote:Ah really? Most of the ones that I have been watching over the past year have been 24 episodes long. I guess it depends what it is and how the reception to it has been throughout filming, since some are still in-progress even as they start to air. Guess it depends on the storyline too, there is only so far you can spin out a standard plot, whereas ones with more twists and things will take long to resolve and need more episodes.

Are you insinuating all the dramas I watched were unpopular? ^^' Because they weren't, they were actually all popular.
The number of episodes is normally already set before the drama airs.
Even the famous Full House has "only" 16 episodes. And even with those "only" 16 episodes some of those dramas I watched have some episodes were you think "ok, nothing's really happening *yawn*". It's also weird that they seem to be really rigid about having either 16 or 24 episodes.

BTW I watched Hana Yori Dango w/ a friend last night (first two episodes) and had previously seen the first episode of Boys over Flowers (Ggeut Boda Namja). I think I like the Korean version better. Of course it has more details (Japanese: 9x 45min, two seasons, Korean: 24x1h) but also the Korean version is funny and the Japanese version seems rather serious. I was expecting a funny Japanese version, too. I dunno what the manga is like but I guess you can interpret it either way.

I also wanted to watch Beethoven Virus but the clinic dramas just don't do it for me. Just like I can't watch Grey's Anatomy (I love Dr. House, though hehe).
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Postby javiskefka » January 26th, 2009 10:40 am

kyuree wrote:I also wanted to watch Beethoven Virus but the clinic dramas just don't do it for me. Just like I can't watch Grey's Anatomy (I love Dr. House, though hehe).

Wait, isn't Beethoven Virus about music, not healthcare?

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Postby kyuree » January 26th, 2009 11:02 am

javiskefka wrote:
kyuree wrote:I also wanted to watch Beethoven Virus but the clinic dramas just don't do it for me. Just like I can't watch Grey's Anatomy (I love Dr. House, though hehe).

Wait, isn't Beethoven Virus about music, not healthcare?

yes :)

I meant "I'm going to watch Beethoven Virus." "But the clinic dramas on the other hand just don't do it for me"
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Postby shanshanchua » January 26th, 2009 2:12 pm

Someone mentioned Full House..maybe I'll get slammed for saying I don't like it (but it's nothing to do with Rain). K-dramas usually start off very well, but later on some get a little draggy. I thought Full House could have stopped a few episodes before ep16. I got tired watching the two of them towards the end... Same for Winter Sonata, so dramatic towards the end, and I didn't quite like how it ended, although the leads did get together eventually.

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Postby holdfast » January 26th, 2009 2:58 pm

you are not alone - i can't stand watching anything with rain either.

i don't usually watch dramas, just variety shows, but i've been watching them more often recently. i watched coffee prince, and i had just started watching beethoven virus, but then boys over flowers came out, and i'm addicted to that.

to be honest though, i tend to watch japanese dramas more than korean dramas. i don't know why. i wouldn't necessarily say that they are better, i have just watched more of them.
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Postby Taliana » January 26th, 2009 4:17 pm

kyuree wrote:Are you insinuating all the dramas I watched were unpopular? ^^'

No, actually, I'm not. But it's very obvious that we watch different things and thus have a different view of what the average length of recent dramas have been.

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Postby kyuree » January 26th, 2009 9:35 pm

holdfast wrote:you are not alone - i can't stand watching anything with rain either.
to be honest though, i tend to watch japanese dramas more than korean dramas. i don't know why. i wouldn't necessarily say that they are better, i have just watched more of them.

she said it had nothing to do w/ Rain ;)

Can you recommend any J-Doramas? :)
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Postby matthew254 » January 27th, 2009 1:40 am

shanshanchua wrote:Someone mentioned Full House..maybe I'll get slammed for saying I don't like it (but it's nothing to do with Rain). K-dramas usually start off very well, but later on some get a little draggy. I thought Full House could have stopped a few episodes before ep16. I got tired watching the two of them towards the end... Same for Winter Sonata, so dramatic towards the end, and I didn't quite like how it ended, although the leads did get together eventually.

I think that this is a fair critique. Even though you mention that 비 didn't have anything to do with your decision, he was obviously the weakest link in the show (and, ironically, probably one of the biggest reasons that the show got so much initial attention).

having said that, I enjoyed it but shared almost the same feeling in the last three episodes. I seem to remember saying to myself "So, what exactly changed? Any plot forwarded? Any character development?"

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Postby holdfast » January 27th, 2009 2:42 am

aaaaaahh.. i read it to fast! hahaha.. sorry!

i read "i might get slammed for saying i don't like rain" but that's not what it said at all. oops.... (i blame it on dyslexia..)

i still don't like him though. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^

edit: (apparently i can't read at all today, i didn't even see the 2nd part of the post >.<;; )

i have watched quite a few jdramas with yamapi (yamashita tomohisa) because he's absolutely gorgeous hahahaha.. like "kurosagi", "nobuta wo produce", "proposal daisakusen", and also "sore wa totsuzen arashi no you ni" (it was sudden like a storm)... i would recommend any of them.

oh, and i watched a really good drama called "last friends" that has nishikido ryo (the only other actor i really follow in jpop) and i just started "1 litre of tears" also starring ryo, and it is good so far.

wow, i didn't realize how many japanese dramas i've watched!!!!!! ^^;;
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Postby kyuree » January 27th, 2009 9:37 am

holdfast wrote:i have watched quite a few jdramas with yamapi (yamashita tomohisa) because he's absolutely gorgeous hahahaha.. like "kurosagi", "nobuta wo produce", "proposal daisakusen", and also "sore wa totsuzen arashi no you ni" (it was sudden like a storm)... i would recommend any of them.

oh, and i watched a really good drama called "last friends" that has nishikido ryo (the only other actor i really follow in jpop) and i just started "1 litre of tears" also starring ryo, and it is good so far.

wow, i didn't realize how many japanese dramas i've watched!!!!!! ^^;;

I watched proposal daisakusen! and I started nobuta wo produce but I didn't bother to finish it.
Thanks for the suggestions.
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Boys Over Flowers

Postby sassy » March 11th, 2009 5:44 am

I am just addicted to Boys Over Flowers. I'm trying to learn Korean partly so that watching it can be "educational" instead of a guilty pleasure (plus I like studying languages).

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Postby shanshanchua » March 11th, 2009 8:57 am

Boys over flowers - I think I made the "mistake" of watching a currently-airing drama. I don't like watching and then waiting a week for the next episode to come out. I would rather watch everything at one go. :) Late nights, but better than the discontinuity :)

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K dramas

Postby nkoroi » June 16th, 2009 9:20 pm

I think they would survive in American soap operas. There's one thing I never understand though, if you don't like someone, then why do you talk to them? They always show these scenes where you can't stand someone and then u go for coffee?

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