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크로싱 Crossing

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크로싱 Crossing

Postby austinfd » February 22nd, 2009 10:58 pm

If you were in Seoul last summer, you probably heard about the movie 크로싱. I hope you saw it. If you are in the states, you might have a chance.

The movie is about the struggles a North Korean family faces amidst poverty and disease. Without getting into the politics, the movie has been heralded as one of the most accurate depictions of life in North Korea. It was supposedly pieced together and written using accounts from defectors in Seoul.

It is a truly beautiful film, visually stunning with a compelling story. And a US NGO is planning to take in on tour. See here: ... about.html

You can watch a trailer, and if you click around, you'll find the schedule. Perhaps you can even arrange to host one in your city if plans aren't finalized.

PLEASE, PLEASE see this film. You will not regret it. Plus, you'll pick up a bunch of 북한 사투리!

I'm making some videos!:

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Postby javiskefka » February 23rd, 2009 7:35 am

I have really been wanting to see this film. I see that there's a screening in my town on April 18th. I'll invite all my friends and family!

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Postby holdfast » March 2nd, 2009 12:27 am

앗! they played it last night at the MT i went on, but i didn't watch the whole thing.... it seemed really awesome, but i couldn't quite figure out what was going on (i didn't realize that it was north korea, though i didn't recognize the 사투리) and the rest of my group wanted to go do something else. we had been sitting for a long time - i don't blame them..

i hope i get a chance to see it again.
안녕하세요~ 에밀리입니다~~ ^^
korean blog:
skype: holdfastemily

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Postby tormsen » June 9th, 2009 5:07 am

I watched this at a DVD방 in Seoul and I asked the 아저씨 to display Korean subtitles instead of English. I didn't get all of it, but I was still able to follow the story well enough and it was certainly powerfully effecting. The 사투리 did come out a lot, and I think they showed it in the Korean subtitles too: they kept ending sentences with -습니더 rather than 습니다. Very good film.

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Postby krazeeygirl774159 » May 28th, 2010 12:25 am

I seen this movie on the computer. I wanted to watch a Korean movie because i was doing a report on Korea, and i found that. I loved the movie, even though it was sad, its very touching and shows how life really is.

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