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Sharp RD-7700 electronic dictionary 전자사전 up for grab

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Sharp RD-7700 electronic dictionary 전자사전 up for grab

Postby Chris1 » December 21st, 2008 10:43 pm

Hey guys-

I recently bought a new electronic dictionary, and I was hoping to get some return on my old one by selling it. However, I figured, in the spirit of Christmas, why not give it away to someone that needs it?

The dictionary in question is the Sharp RD-7700. You can get pictures and information on it's features through the link below: ... sp?pid=303

The dictionary itself is in great condition, but the included case shows signs of minimal wear. I will include the following:

- Dictionary
- 2x AAA batteries
- Carrying Case
- Manual (Korean)

This is a great dictionary and has plenty of good resources. I will restore it to factory settings before shipping it.

To anyone that wants it, please send me a PM with a brief intoduction of yourself, your Korean ability, why you are studying Korean, your long and short term goals with Korean, why you don't already have a dictionary, and how this dictionary can be of use to you. Korean must be your second language, and please also send a writing sample of your Korean.

I will ship this anywhere in the world at my own expense. I hope it can be of good use to someone.

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Postby Eden » December 28th, 2008 4:14 am

how sweet of you!
I just got a similar dictionary myself, it's really handy!

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Postby owbEe » December 28th, 2008 5:23 am

wow. is it still up?

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Sharp Rd-7700

Postby backpacker » December 28th, 2008 5:34 am

Fantastic !
My message is on the way now.

Been Around a Bit
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Postby owbEe » December 28th, 2008 6:11 am

I hope I made it on time.

Happy Holidays everyone. Good luck to all who sent out their letters to Chris. :D

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Postby matthew254 » December 28th, 2008 7:06 am

nice one Chris1!

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