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Korean Keyboard Typing Tip

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Postby ognistik » August 26th, 2008 5:13 pm

Since I haven't spent enough time in learning how to type korean, I use this website:

It's quite helpful and doesn't take that much time - that's coz I'm not writing a lot... but I think I'll just start using the keyboard, it's better...

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Postby umesemivg » October 26th, 2008 3:23 pm

On my old laptop I put this as my desktop picture:

Everytime the computer booted I saw the characters. At first I had to minimize programs to see the characters, which was frustrating enough to get me to learn the keys in a couple weeks. Now my biggest problem is remembering to switch back to english so i am not typing ㅈㅈㅈ instead of www in my browser. I've often thought about writing a script to convert the url addy to english for me.

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Postby kyuree » December 23rd, 2008 6:56 pm

to order those stickers on German sites was extremely expensive. When I was in Korea I thought about buying a keyboard (USB) but since my luggage was restricted I bought only stickers, three sets: two w/ pictures (childish I know) and a black set. I don't want to stick them on my laptop Sad so I thought I'd buy me an USB keyboard here. Didn't get round to it yet. At the moment I'm also memorizing the keys, maybe I will just leave it at that. But I think it's quite tough to know so many!
I'm used to knowing a few keys for typing in Portuguese but Portuguese doesn't have so many keys that are different from the German keyboard. The main problem is the %!$"§&"(!)(§ signs b/c they are totally different on German keyboards (and I don't know them by heart). I think I don't even know where the German special characters ä ö ü are. I know all the other keys as I type.

I'm just afraid that I will forget the Korean keys when I don't type for a while. Also I think it'd be much faster to type if I can see the characters on the keys not from the sticker set (which I have next to me as a reference hehe).
Maybe I will eventually buy a USB keyboard b/c then I can use the funny cow stickers haha

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Postby gillesvdp » December 26th, 2008 7:20 pm

I have a question related to that.

Windows Vista runs my computer.
I have the French (Belgium) keyboard (sort of an azerty keyboard) as well as the Korean keyboard installed. In order to switch from one language to another, I have to use the mouse of my computer and click twice to change the language. Plus in the Korean language, as you know, there is the feature of switching from a korean keyboard to a qwerty keyboard easily thanks to the "alt gr" key.

My question is: is it possible to have the same system (pressing the "alt gr" key) to switch from the korean keyboard directly to my azerty instead of the qwerty keyboard?

That would definitely save me lots of time.

Thanks :)

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Postby vahid » December 27th, 2008 10:56 pm

Hi everyone,
Found this "Javascript Korean IME" at which would work fine with the keyboard pic which was recommended by "umesemivg".


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Postby javiskefka » December 28th, 2008 10:58 am

gillesvdp wrote:I have a question related to that.

Windows Vista runs my computer.
I have the French (Belgium) keyboard (sort of an azerty keyboard) as well as the Korean keyboard installed. In order to switch from one language to another, I have to use the mouse of my computer and click twice to change the language. Plus in the Korean language, as you know, there is the feature of switching from a korean keyboard to a qwerty keyboard easily thanks to the "alt gr" key.

My question is: is it possible to have the same system (pressing the "alt gr" key) to switch from the korean keyboard directly to my azerty instead of the qwerty keyboard?

That would definitely save me lots of time.

Thanks :)

For years I was frustrated that my US keyboard had no 한/영 key for switching between typing modes in the Korean keyboard layout. I discovered recently that this key is mapped to the right Alt key by default. I was so happy when I discovered this, because I love keyboard shortcuts and use them whenever possible.

By the way, there is also a keyboard shortcut for switching input languages in Windows. I'm not sure what the default is, since I have changed it to one that I find more suitable on my computer, but you can find that shortcut by looking in the options menu for the language bar.

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Postby tsp_uk » December 28th, 2008 1:06 pm

to change between languages you have to press Left Alt and Left Shift together.

Hope this helps!

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Postby gillesvdp » December 28th, 2008 7:29 pm

tsp_uk wrote:to change between languages you have to press Left Alt and Left Shift together.

Hope this helps!

It does ;-)

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Postby Chriss » December 28th, 2008 8:08 pm

Really? On the computers I use it only switches between Korean and (Korean) Microsoft IME. =/

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Postby erich » December 29th, 2008 5:18 am

vahid wrote:Hi everyone,
Found this "Javascript Korean IME" at which would work fine with the keyboard pic which was recommended by "umesemivg".


Yeah, this kind of tool is very useful if you are on a computer where you cannot install Korean IME, like the one at work for instance. I also found this one which does the same trick:

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Postby Kjungs » February 9th, 2009 10:04 pm

rella wrote:if you are able to sign up for this website and dont mind it being a kid site try the typing games here ^^ it's kind of cute and also shows the keyboard at the top so eventually you will remember where everything is

I found this website good for practicing your speed and accuracy ^^

hope that helps someone here

O wonderful! Thank you for sharing! :D

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Postby untmdsprt » June 30th, 2009 12:21 am

Yeah!! I'm glad I found this post!!! I was hoping there were others like me who want to learn the correct method to input Hangul. Since I know nothing about the language right now, I want to develop good habits in the beginning.

I was thinking that why not put my keyboard cover to good use and put the Hangul stickers on it? That way once I learn their placement, I can take the cover off, and I don't need the "training wheels" anymore.

I'll have to check out the links posted by the other members here to start learning the characters.

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Postby captainalan » June 30th, 2009 1:58 pm

I learned to type 한글 by first having a chart showing where stuff is in a window open until I knew the general layout and then just guessing when I had to on an English keyboard once I felt pretty comfortable. Unlike QWERTY, the Korean Keyboard layout seems to have a lot of logic to it that made it seem kind of intuitive for me to learn. I recommend that you don't come to depend too much on looking at the keyboard for any language/layout/etc.. For a music analogy, when I played piano as a kid, I always looked at the keys and that is why I am bad at piano today-- because I never learned where things were by feel.

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Postby Suki21 » May 11th, 2010 7:26 pm

rella wrote:if you are able to sign up for this website and dont mind it being a kid site try the typing games here ^^ it's kind of cute and also shows the keyboard at the top so eventually you will remember where everything is

I found this website good for practicing your speed and accuracy ^^

hope that helps someone here

Thanks for the web. unfortunately because am new to Korean is hard to register...can you help with the sign up process?

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Postby meanders27 » September 24th, 2010 3:22 am

I originally was only going to learn to speak and understand Korean- not read and write Hangul. But I did end up learning Hangul and it was through the typing practice of each lesson that really helped me. When I got to the point of being able to type in a word without having to constantly look back at it, I felt so proud of myself. I never thought I would be reading and writing. Why did they take the Hangul writing practice off of the website? Please bring back the Hangul typing exercises!!!

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