A korean restaurant had just opened nearby where I live (honestly it may be the only korean restaurant within a hour's drive =P) and I just had to go and try it out. It was actually the very first korean restuarent I ever went to and I was really excited =]
A few weeks ago, I went with 언니 and 엄마 and we had 불고기 for the 1st time and my mom had a seafood soup of some kind, I forgot what exactly. 불고기는 너무 맛있어요!
The place was really tiny and there was only one waitress and a cook and they were mother and daughter. I wanted to try to say some korean but I chickened out

However, today I went with 언니 and two of my 친구 and this time there was different waitress. We ordered some drinks (everyone else got water) but i wanted to try something korean and since I can't drink soju (at least not yet

Then later when we were ordering our food, I said "비빔밥....주세요" And she looked surprised (but I think pleased nonetheless] and with a chuckle, "네!"

The experience this time was really better than last time for she kept coming to our table and asking if everything was okay and she refilled our 반찬 (there was 김치, hard black beans of a sort, beansprouts, spicy cucumbers, and 잡재)
The 비빔밥 was quite delicious and 애기씨 was nice enough to stir it for me becuase I didn't know what I was doing and I told her when she came back again to inquire if everything was ok "맛있어요!" She smiled =]
then when I went to pay, she asked if I was japanese and I answered slowy, "베...트남 사람입니다"
The 애기씨: "Oh. Your pronunciation is very good!"
저: Really?? I mean...진짜요?
애기씨: 진짜!
oh my goodness I was so happy afterwards!! 정말 행복었어요!
Then as i was leaving I said: 안녕히...계세요!" (I'm still really unsure of my korean

Hmmm, I just realized I probably didn't bow....next time i will!
>o< That lady was soo nice. I hope when I go there again, she'll be there

--^^; My story wasn't the most exciting or special but it meant a lot to me so I just wanted to share ^-^