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studying in Korea

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studying in Korea

Postby karer1000 » October 27th, 2008 4:50 am

I am wondering if someone can maybe give me some advice.... I am currently planning on moving to Korea to both study and eventually work in speech pathology. It is a long story, but I have a close friend in Daegu who invited me to work with him after getting a degree. I currently have studied one year at an American university in 2001. Afterwards, I moved to Israel and spent five years there, three of which were in the Israeli Army. I was planning on studying this year with the intention of moving to Korea after getting a degree. However, I was convinced that coming to Korea now to study might be a more logical approach. Would someone know possibly what the best method of doing this would be? I am aware that I need to learn Korean first before applying for formal studies. I have looked at a couple of programs in universities, as well as some educational programs. But, I am not sure if there is another method that would be better... I appreciate any help that can be provided
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Postby Chris1 » November 5th, 2008 11:19 pm

I don't know too much about the subject, so please take my comments with a grain of salt.

To my knowledge, there are quite a few English-based degree programs that will award the standard B.A. degree recognizable usually worldwide. If you really want to take Korean programs, you will need to study for the TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean - to score a level 5 (not so easy) before getting into a degree program. Similarly, American universities require non-native speakers in English to get a certain score on the TOEIC/TOEFL to gain admission into a degree program.

Although I can't speak from personal experience, the Yonsei Korean Language Institute has good prep programs to get to this level of Korean. However, don't expect to get any hours from these courses toward a degree.

If you plan to use your degree heavily for job purposes, I suggest you try to get a degree in the US if possible. I know there are nearly identical programs for select majors in Korea that are in English, but I wouldn't be able to say much more than that.

Good luck, and I hope this helps somehow.
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