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Hangul typing practice feature

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Hangul typing practice feature

Postby pUC18 » August 21st, 2008 6:54 am


I didn't see a previous post on this topic so I thought I'd start one, my apologies if this topic was already posted.

My thought was about a feature to allow people to practice typing in Hangul. Perhaps something like those programs where some of us as kids used to practice and learn how to type on a QWERTY keyboard, measuring maybe accuracy and speed as well.

And as an extension if this can be developed, integrate audio dictations such that a phrase or sentence is said and the user types in Hangul what was heard. I think this would provide practice for listening comprehension, spelling and typing all at once!

Just a thought...

and by the way, this site is great!!

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Postby Keith » August 21st, 2008 12:14 pm

Hey pUC18...

I think this has been addressed somewhere, but I'm not sure where.. :P

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Postby Chriss » August 21st, 2008 8:19 pm

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Postby pUC18 » August 22nd, 2008 1:35 am

Ahhh! Thanks for the link! I obviously didn't look around enough

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Typing was discussed, but why not make an app?

Postby AxKC101 » January 27th, 2010 4:46 am

In the other thread, people talked about typing programs and learning strategies, but I think it would be a great idea for KoreanClass101 to make their own typing program. There are a few programs out there on the web, but none are very good without downloading or signing up for a new account in another Korean learning site. This is the place to learn Korean, it seems only natural to have a typing program in here somewhere. Besides, the stickers on my keyboard are starting to wear out and fall off. It's time to learn how to type Korean correctly. :D

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Postby meanders27 » September 28th, 2010 5:03 am

Until the website was redone there was a typing practice exercise for each lesson. Why did they get rid of it?!? Please bring it back! It was my favorite activity and really helped me to learn hangul. Since it was already created and working great, I don't understand why it was removed.

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We need hangul practice!

Postby AxKC101 » September 28th, 2010 10:09 am

I agree, with the above post. Hangul is a big key to learning Korean. I live outside of S. Korea, so a lot of my practice is written, usually on various text chat forums. I've been using a free typing program I found on the net through this thread, but since I don't have a Korean social security number, I can't properly sign up. Although we can still post comments here in Korean, it's hard to do unless you can type in hangul. Chat rooms are very difficult for me because of my slow typing speed. A typing practice program would be very much appreciated and I'm sure it would be well used! The only thing that was close was the typed responses to questions, and now the responses are all in English. Please bring that back, but fix some of the punctuation problems...
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Postby me4381 » September 22nd, 2011 8:34 pm

You can try Hangul Type Attack. It's a HTML5 canvas application which does the job easily when you have a QWERTY keyboard, and is helping me to learn the Korean keyboard.
Good luck,

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Postby davidrhughes16845 » June 12th, 2012 9:07 pm


A number of people seem to have beaten me to the idea I had.
Please could you introduce a touch-typing area to teach hangeul typing?
A bit different from what you already do, possibly needing some new types of exercises, but it would be extremely useful - and encourage people to stick with learning Korean.

Keep up the brilliant work,


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