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'homey korean'

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'homey korean'

Postby the-resa- » June 22nd, 2008 3:58 pm

hello friends!

i found this really interesting show called 'homey korean'. i hope no one posted about this yet.

it's a documentary about the korean culture hosted by brian joo [yes, the guy from fly to the sky] and his friend, chris.

in the show, brian will introduce stuffs about the korean culture to his friend and viewers, as well as teach a few useful phrases.

it's all in english. it's by arirangtv. =)

you can find this show at youtube.



they don't have all the episodes on youtube but seem like they have them all. is something like youtube.

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Postby James » June 22nd, 2008 4:57 pm ... mey+korean

I've seen it. I like the Spanish version better coz I get to practice that language too.

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Postby the-resa- » June 23rd, 2008 2:53 am

oh it's being posted! haha. yes it's really interesting isn't it? :)

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Postby tormsen » June 23rd, 2008 8:00 am

I didn't really like Home Korean because I kept comparing it to LSK and the white guy vaguely irritated me for some reason. You can watch them on the Arirang TV website still I'm pretty sure. Plus LSK Season 4 is being broadcast now, with Lisa Kelley and some ridiculous gagman who isn't as bad as he seems at first and is at least fully Korean (something lacking a bit in LSK2 and 3).

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Postby the-resa- » June 23rd, 2008 9:46 am

haha! homey korean is kinda cheesy actually. but i sure learnt quite alot about the korean culture watching the show. especially the arari show part. i haven't watch LSK yet. is it nice? :)

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Postby tormsen » June 23rd, 2008 11:50 pm

Yeah it's worth it. The new season is quite good. It's starting off at a really low level but its busting out all these simple expressions I haven't learned yet which makes it worth it for me. Plus Lisa Kelley remains hot.

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Postby holdfast » June 28th, 2008 4:58 am

hahahahahaaa! this show is hilarious. super over-the-top cheesy, but hilarious.

at least tells alot about culture. and i like brian.

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Postby rooraa » July 5th, 2008 2:26 am

I've seen a few episodes and it is SO cheesy but it was quite informative (in it's own cheesy way) and Brian has wonderful english lol

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Postby holdfast » July 5th, 2008 2:39 pm

brian was born and raised in america (which is why his english is so good).

i watched the whole season the other day, and it was so dang funny. i still can't stop laughing when i think about it. super super cheesy, but really informative.

youtube only has a few episodes and part of the episodes are cut, but has all of the videos in full. just go to and search for homey korean.

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