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Preparation For EPS TOPIK Sep 2014

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Preparation For EPS TOPIK Sep 2014

Postby prayashshakya9671 » July 1st, 2014 8:59 am

Hy Annyeong haseyo Sansengnim, actually my keyboard doesn't have korean letter so .

I am preparing for EPS TOPIK EXAM which is going to be held on Sep 2014 in my country(Nepal). I need topik related study materials and resources so than i can improve my korean language skills and learn and hope could pass the exam.
So please guide me to the eps topik resources which i can study for coming exam...I wana practice with you Korean Peoples for improving language. So please guide me properly and help me to pass the exam.

Prayash Shakya ( Sido Shakya)

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Re: Preparation For EPS TOPIK Sep 2014

Postby lauralanda » July 3rd, 2014 2:48 am

Dear Prayash Shakya,

Thank you for posting! We are glad to hear that you chose to prepare for your exam here with us :D

If you want to type in Korean, you can follow these steps:
-If you use Mac OSX, you can add Korean language on the system setting panel. It’s simple. Go to the Setting, Language and text, then click 'input source' on the window. Then, you need to click Hangul -> ""2 set Hangul"" on the list so that you can activate the Korean input system.

-If you use Windows, click one of the following links to find how to install Korean Input System (IME) or add its typing system on the control panel. Please see the following link for more details. ... yboard.htm
After installation, please change the Regional and Language setting on your control panel. Don’t forget to check ‘Install files for East Asian Languages’, so that you can type Korean on your computer.

*To type Korean correctly, you should know which key represents which character. You can print out Korean keyboard layout and practice to get used to. Consonants are placed on the left side, while vowels on the right, so it will be not difficult to type.

On the other hand, to help you prepare for your exam, what we can offer you is our Premium Plus Subscription! Please, check the information about subscriptions on the upper right corner of this screen, under the link "Upgrade". The Premium Plus Subscription includes: 1 - 1 hours with a native professor, and a study plan made to cover your needs.

Please, let us know if you have questions. We are looking forward to help you pass that exam.


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Re: Preparation For EPS TOPIK Sep 2014

Postby prayashshakya9671 » November 2nd, 2014 6:36 am

Thankyou to Korean class
I have finally passed exam now i am eligible to work in Korea. So happy. With all necessary resources i passed my exam of EPS Topik 2014 . Thankyou

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Re: Preparation For EPS TOPIK Sep 2014

Postby team.relationships » November 6th, 2014 7:20 am

Hi prayashshakya9671!

Wow!! That is so great!!! Congratulations :D
Really good job!

I am glad we could help :skorea:

Have a great day!

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