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Hints is reading Korean Revised Version Bible

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Hints is reading Korean Revised Version Bible

Postby fej4955 » March 16th, 2014 8:22 pm


first of all this is in "Philosophy & Religion" section because this thread has to do with the Korean Bible I received last week. The translation I have is the Korean revised version, from 1961 I think.

I have searched the internet, but all the dictionaries seem to lack biblical vocabulary or the dictionaries have not really helped me that much. Thus, I ask does anyone know a good online dictionary or better, free software to see vocabulary from? Are there any internet pages that would help me in reading the Korean revised version?

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Hints is reading Korean Revised Version Bible

Postby fej4955 » March 27th, 2014 8:12 pm

Does anyone know the reason why in the Korean Revised Version no "?", "," or "." are written in the text? It is quite confusing, since I do not know where a sentence begins and ends and not to mention if the sentence is a question.

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Re: Hints is reading Korean Revised Version Bible

Postby korea.innovative » April 7th, 2014 2:45 pm

fej4955 wrote:Hello,

first of all this is in "Philosophy & Religion" section because this thread has to do with the Korean Bible I received last week. The translation I have is the Korean revised version, from 1961 I think.

I have searched the internet, but all the dictionaries seem to lack biblical vocabulary or the dictionaries have not really helped me that much. Thus, I ask does anyone know a good online dictionary or better, free software to see vocabulary from? Are there any internet pages that would help me in reading the Korean revised version?

Thank you in advance.

Hey Fej,

We are truly sorry to hear that it did not work as much and it is admittable that we do not have as specific data as it wishes to be in KoreanClass101 yet. To be honest, I cannot exatly guarantee what could help the best, however, to use my personal background, I use google in those times but to search it on image section - thougb it may not completey help you but for physical things! We are sorrytp that we could not give hou the better solution :(

Thank you


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Re: Hints is reading Korean Revised Version Bible

Postby fej4955 » April 7th, 2014 6:37 pm

Thank you for the reply, but the situation is not that bad, in Naver there is also sometimes a picture of the searched word and the dictionary is fairly okay. What I have noticed, is that there does not seem to exist great Korean online dictionaries as in Japanese,, JWPce, tanoshiijapan etc.

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Re: Hints is reading Korean Revised Version Bible

Postby ofeliadgrd » April 14th, 2014 8:35 am

Hi fej4955,

Thank you for your comments!
Maybe our word bank doesn't contain all the words that you are looking for, we are sorry for that!
We are working to develop a good dictionary, but maybe it will take a little before we start entering the specific religious words you are looking for.
Thank you for your understanding!


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