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Lesson notes in Podcast

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Lesson notes in Podcast

Postby margho6316 » December 9th, 2013 2:56 am

I remember 2 years ago when I was using podcasts lessons frequently, I was able to see lesson notes while the podcast is playing. However it seems this feature no longer exists when I recently login again as I was planning to resume my Korean study. I tried both my iphone (IOS7.0.4) and ipad mini (also IOS 7.0.4)

Has the feature been disabled totally or maybe just some setting issue?

Thanks in adv,


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Re: Lesson notes in Podcast

Postby paloma_ill » January 9th, 2014 7:12 am

Hi Marguerite,

Unfortunately, that feature doesn't exist on Apple products anymore.
Since Apple announced the new Podcast application which you cannot see the lyrics on the screen anymore, we'd like to ask you try the following ways to see the scripts while you're listening to the audio on your phone.

1. Delete the Podcast Application.
2. Open the Music application.
3. Go to Podcast icon on the bottom menu.
4. Click the lesson and listen to the podcast using the Music application.

In that way you'd be able to keep listening to the audio lessons with the scripts on the screen. If you have the Podcast application, all podcast audio lessons should be played with the application, so you won't be able to see the Podcast menu on the Music application. Please make sure you delete the application if you'd like to check the scripts on the screen.

I hope it helps. Let us know if there's anything else we can assist you with.


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