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"Boys Over Flowers"? (again)

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"Boys Over Flowers"? (again)

Postby Gudrun » May 10th, 2010 12:59 am

I know people have discussed this drama before, but I just wanted to know if people think it has realistic conversations (for learning Korean) and if people of all ages liked it. (I'm over 30...) It's one of the very few DVDs I've found with both English and Korean subs, so I'm seriously thinking about buying it. Can anyone tell me if they enjoyed the movie and if it might be useful for improving comprehension skills?
Thanks for any advice.

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Re: "Boys Over Flowers"? (again)

Postby paekdusan » May 10th, 2010 11:22 am

Okay, so I can't really answer any of your questions directly. I've never seen this drama. I don't know if the conversations are realistic for learning Korean. And I don't know what its target demographic was. But maybe all of that matters less than you think. What probably matters the most is whether or not you're going to enjoy it (and, consequently, stick with it to the end after having spent a pretty penny on the DVDs.)

If you're just beginning, maybe it doesn't have to be something that would normally suit you in English. For example, I'm currently working my way through "아내의 유혹". I don't know if you're familiar with that drama or not, but it's a "soap opera" in the truest sense. Except the acting is much more outlandish and melodramatic than what you'd typically see in the States. I'm an "over 30" guy. Do you think I watch soap operas in English! Heck, no! In fact, I hardly watch TV at all. And when I do it's usually only during football season. But I love watching 아내의 유혹 because it's simple. Since everything is so over-acted I can always tell what's going on, even when I don't catch some (or all) of the words.

I guess what I'm saying is this:
- you're learning Korean, and you're SO good at it that you're about to watch an entire drama series all in Korean.
- even if you don't understand most of it, you understand WAY more than nearly anyone else you know (unless you happen to live in Korea Town, L.A.)
- even when you don't get every word (or even most of the words) you're going to be exposing yourself to Korean culture. (Remember, this was something written by Koreans, for Koreans and, indeed, proved to be very popular in Korea.)
- All of this makes you a veritable bad-ass in Korean. And all of this is yours no matter what drama you choose.

I don't know about you, but that's motivation enough for me. So I'm going to head back to my soap opera now. And my American friends can make fun of me all they want. (And believe me, they do! ^^) But I'll be more than happy to suffer as much teasing as they can dish out if it means that I'm going to get better at Korean.

Well, I hope you enjoy Boys Over Flowers (or whatever you finally decide on). Best wishes!

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boys over flowers

Postby gerdaleigh » May 10th, 2010 3:05 pm

I actually watched this drama because I saw a viewership list, and saw that close to 40% of Seoul was tuning in to watch Boys Over Flowers. Truthfully, I watched it because of it's widespread popularity. Here are the pros and cons.
Note: Contains spoilers!
1. Goo Jyun Pyo is a jerk. Why the protagonist fell for him is beyond me.
2. You might learn some "mean" vocabulary or wrong phrases, as one of the characters says a lot of phrases incorrectly and is quite mean. However, he is always corrected on screen.
3. The characters make a lot of really idiotic decisions. However, this is what makes it a drama -- right? :wink:
4. Stereotypical drama plot: poor good girl falls for a mean rich guy.

1. You get to see what they eat for breakfast!
2. There's a scene where they make kimchi.
3. You'll understand the sitcom jokes about the show.
4. Good looking guys and girls -- though this is almost a given with a k-drama. :roll:
5. The little brother is really funny.
6. You get to see the inside of a porridge shop.

I hope that helps!

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Postby Gudrun » May 11th, 2010 5:40 pm

I do watch dramas and movies in Korean that I would NEVER watch if they were in English. I generally like documentaries (on TV) and action movies (for escapism). So, deciding on dramas or movies to actually buy is difficult. I'm thinking about "My Lovely Sam Soon" (aka "My Name is Kim Sam Soon"). I think I would enjoy that more than "Boys Over Flowers." But I cannot find it with Korean subtitles, only English. Whenever I find something that looks good to me, it doesn't have Korean subs and vice versa. I may just try to download the script and study that if I get too lost.

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Re: "Boys Over Flowers"? (again)

Postby titus2teen1787 » October 31st, 2012 1:55 pm

I don't know about the correct grammar on the show, but Boys Over Flowers is my favorite K-Drama. That and Princess Hours. I'm a boy(15), but I loved Jandi in it! and I liked Jyun Pyo's character in it too! But then again, I like the love stories..... My opinion: Get it!

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Re: "Boys Over Flowers"? (again)

Postby kc101com » November 5th, 2012 9:59 pm

I see a lot of great comments over 'boys over flowers'!

It truly was a huge hit when it first came out since it was already famous from the original which was from Japan!

Definitely agree with gerdaleigh that you could see Korean culture in there and not having English subtitles like Gudrun said.

You will definitely learn a lot from it, by having one!

Another vote for me for get one besides titus2teen1787!:)

Thank you


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