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my BnB experience in korea (bed and breakfast)

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my BnB experience in korea (bed and breakfast)

Postby alshaima6375 » July 17th, 2012 6:59 am

:D :) hello guys

All of you guys are familiar with the concept of (bed and breakfast) and for those who doesn’t know it
BnB is (small lodging establishment that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast, but usually
Does not offer other meals)
I didn’t know that I can find one In South Korea however last month I gone in a trip to yeosu Expo
Supported by korea tourism organization (KTO) and they helped us to book our home stay there and it
Was by a website called they help the customers to find BnB in different
Cities in south korea and they are going to expand to other countries too. And they are one of
the sponsor of( KTO) their facebook is :

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Postby trutherous » July 18th, 2012 3:37 pm

Hello alshaima,

Thanks for the informative links --I guess.

It seems like all advertising to me though, very close to spam, since there is not one word about your actual experience at a bed-n-breakfast in Korea.

I would be willing to bet this exact same message can be found on the message boards of a few other sites on the Internet.

How about taking the time to write about your trip, starting with your airline experience -what airline did you fly? what other modes of transportation did you use in Korea? what places did you visit? what kinds of new food did you try? what was your impression of the people you met? how were the accommodations at the BnB? and what is your overall impression of Korea?


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Postby kc101com » August 27th, 2012 12:35 pm

Hello alshaima6375,

Thank you for your comment!

Seems like you have an experience at BnB in Korea :)

This could be real good especially for people who are traveling to Korea since I personally enjoy bnb in States or other areas as well!

Maybe you could give a bit more experience at yeosu expo and how the bnb was!

Yeosu was one of world expos that Korea currently had and there certainly be much interest for others as well :)

Please do so and let trutherous know as well!

He would love to hear that as well as he's one of our great learners in!;)

Thank you


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