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Funny video about college life in Korea

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Funny video about college life in Korea

Postby twsf2380 » June 28th, 2012 1:26 pm

Here is a funny video about college life in Korea.
You can watch the video and read the Korean transcript and the English translation.
I found it to be entertaining and helpful in improving my Korean. ... rs_27.html

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Postby mmccart4622 » July 1st, 2012 6:32 am

Thank you for the video link twsf! As a beginner, a lot (or all?) of the sentences were beyond me, but i did pick up a few vocab words (: It'll be nice to listen to the video later on and see how much more i can understand after studying!


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Postby team.relationships » July 2nd, 2012 4:55 am

Hello twsf2380,

and thanks for sharing this video!

mmccart4622, I am glad you could pick up some new vocabulary! Keep it up!


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