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Survival Phrases: PDF in Hanja, not Hangul?

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Survival Phrases: PDF in Hanja, not Hangul?

Postby willietreaves6033 » January 4th, 2012 8:20 am

Hello! I've been going through the Newbie Series and Survival Phrases, and have found that all the Survival Phrases PDFs have the words written in Hanja instead of Hangul. I have the Korean characters installed (by default) on my Mac and am wondering if there are versions of the PDF in Hangul. Any hlep would be appreciated!

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Postby trutherous » January 5th, 2012 7:28 am

I doubt very much that the phrases would be written in Hanja. It sounds like there is something wrong on your end, even though you have the Korean characters installed. If you will provide me with a direct link here in the forum to the pdf s in question I could double check it for you.

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Postby willietreaves6033 » January 5th, 2012 7:49 am

Thank you! This problem occurs with all of the Survival Phrases series, one of which can be found at ... ass101.pdf. I just redownloaded the file and, for whatever reason, everything that should be in Hangul is in Hanja, with the exception of the sample sentences.

Thanks again!

jessui Team Member
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Postby jessui » January 5th, 2012 8:57 am

Hello, thanks for posting!
If you have trouble viewing the characters in the original Lesson Notes PDF, please try opening the Lesson Notes LITE PDF (it also comes with every lesson): ... bedded.pdf
This version of the PDF uses different fonts, and we find that a lot of our Mac users who can't correctly view the original have better luck using these.

Please let us know if that helps :)

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Postby trutherous » January 5th, 2012 8:48 pm

Yeah I was just going to say that the regular pdf's do not show any text on my Linux system using a generic pdf viewer, but the 'lite' pdfs show up just fine.

by the way, the link didn't work so looked at a few manually -- I tried installing acroread9 and when attempting to read the regular pdfs it gave a message that I needed to install asianfontpack -- I followed the link but there was no asian font pack for Linux that I could find -- oh well it's still a Billy Gates world out there...

I installed an older Korean version of Acrobat reader and the fonts all work for the pdfs -- but unfortunately the older version created some other minor problems for my system.. ugh

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