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word list on KC101

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word list on KC101

Postby kimdaejin » June 7th, 2011 1:23 am

is there a way where I can download all the core words on KC101? It's a real hassle to click each word and listen..I'd rather download all and listen again and again..

A beginner now and I want to build up my vocabulary first..

I don't have any books and other resources..I'm simply using this site and talktomeinkorean. Do you guys know some sites where I can download vocabulary and pdf???

Please tell me if you know any :wink:

New in Town
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Joined: December 14th, 2010 1:12 pm

Postby destkid2800 » August 16th, 2012 2:58 pm

yeh you can. just go printable format and it will deliver a basic HTML format. i wouldnt learn the words naked however likely to forget them 5 minutes after.
Look for slabs of text

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Postby jaehwi » August 27th, 2012 4:57 am


For now, there's no way to download them all with audio files. We're sorry to deliver the news.
However, you can easily find the core word with audio files from our applications.

Please check the following page.

Thank you,


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