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studying Korean over the summer in Seoul - which 학원?

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studying Korean over the summer in Seoul - which 학원?

Postby aussiekevin » May 22nd, 2011 6:07 pm

I'll be in Seoul for about 6 weeks this summer; one of my main goals while there is to study Korean. To that end, I'm thinking about enrolling in a 학원. Unlike a university, most of the 학원s offer month long courses every month. This is more convenient for me than the longer courses offered only once over the summer by the major universities.

The places I am considering are

1. Ganada

2. Seoul Korean Academy

3. Language Teaching Research Center

Does anyone have any experience with any of these, or know of any other options for Korean study in Seoul that are perhaps worth considering?

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Postby trutherous » May 23rd, 2011 2:26 am

I don't know about the other two but I have reviewed the 가나다 study material and it is accurate and reasonably challenging -- if only the academy adheres to, or is affiliated with the same 가나다 as the study material I have reviewed. From the looks at the textbooks on the link you provide it appears to be the same. Anyway the key is variety -- get as much input from as many sources as possible -- always.

Have fun with your Korean study

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