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Forum Name Change?

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Forum Name Change?

Postby linshaanaya7723 » March 23rd, 2011 10:19 am

I want to change my forum name. Can a Admin PM me so I can do so? For some reason I'm having issues finding one. :?

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Postby trutherous » March 23rd, 2011 3:23 pm

I've never tried to change my forum name, but I wonder, did you try clicking the "Account" button (upper right) and go to "Change Password/Edit Profile" ?

I'm not surprised that you are having trouble finding a site administrator.

This site's parent company is based in Japan and ever since the earthquake it seems to be running on auto pilot --also there hasn't been an advanced lesson in over 2 months :( ...beginning prior to the quake..

Not that I don't used a vast variety of resources, but I did pay for a premium subscription in advance for 2 years, expecting that there would continuing updated content, as a subscription implies.

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Postby linshaanaya7723 » March 23rd, 2011 7:25 pm

I've been using KC and CC for over a year. Each "class" has their own group of people, but KC is closely tied with JP. The ones who work KC are all Korean based, though.

Using Account doesn't work. You can check it for yourself in going to Profile that it doesn't work either. I had to use a ghost email so that I could finally order and pay for the CDs now that I had some cash to spare. I forgot that it also means I have to be stuck with a generated forum name based on the email. It's not changeable. I might try register to see what happens.

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Postby ShadeyLane » March 23rd, 2011 8:14 pm

Nevermind. I remembered my first account name & pass now. 8) I thought I didn't have the same password, but I was wrong. Oh well. I deactivated the other.

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Postby trutherous » March 23rd, 2011 8:51 pm

Oh well, like I said -- I never tried to change mine -- it was just a suggestion.

On the other issue:

Our most recent Advanced Audio blogger/ teacher "Tim" was living in Japan - he was very active on these forums and hasn't posted anything since just before the quake. Also I refer you to the following email message that suggests many of our "favorite KoreanClass101 hosts call (Japan) home." So that part was not conjecture on my part -- just relaying information as I received it.

Help Us Support Japan Today

Support Japan

Hello Listener,

You have probably heard about the tragic events of March 11, 2011 in Japan. Unfortunately, Japan was hit very hard. The damage in Northern Japan is extensive and incomprehensible. Japan is where many of your favorite KoreanClass101 hosts call home and we want to do everything in our power to help the people hardest hit.

50% of all subscription revenues this week are going directly to Japanese disaster relief efforts. If you’ve been thinking about joining one of our sites or just want a way to help, please click the link below and support Japan today.

Click here to help Japan today

The recovery in Japan is only just beginning but it looks to be a long road ahead. Any and all efforts are appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

Peter Galante, Founder, KoreanClass101

P.S. If you know of someone who might be interested in learning a language with us and wants to help, please share this message with them.

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Postby ShadeyLane » March 23rd, 2011 9:30 pm

Just so that you can see it yourself and understand it better, click on Profile at the top and that shows all of the forum changes you can make. In account, near Upgrade, you can change some extra things, but they aren't forum related. If you see others with questions, you can understand the forum profile better and help them.

I knew many from KC lived in Japan but I couldn't remember who and when they joined the team. I used to have loads of lessons from when Keith and Sol were teaching, but I lost them all on my old laptop and forgot to back them up. I'm not as familiar with Tim but I'd run into him on Facebook posts he'd make. I hadn't done much with the emails since I've been busy and hadn't gotten back in to the site again til recently, hence my reason for posting. I couldn't afford to use a constant lesson plan minus just having 1 month and downloading as many lessons as I could, so I could keep up with it in my own time. That's why I hardly came to the site, because I was doing the lessons a little at a time from what I'd downloaded. I mean, I thought Keith was caucasian.

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Postby julialim » March 24th, 2011 7:35 am

Hello 여러분~~
안녕하세요~ 안녕하시죠?

I am Julia. :D
As you know, A big earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011 and then our office had been closed for a week, just in case.

Now Tim is in Korea at the moment BUT! he will be back Next week.
Don't worry!! I will help you as much as I can~~
:wink: :wink: :wink:

If you have any technical problem, please email us.

감사합니다. :D :D :D

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Postby trutherous » March 24th, 2011 5:20 pm

줄리아 선생님 드디어 Forum에 다시 오셔서 정말 반갑고 고마운 일이에요 - 특히 팀님의 소식을 알려주신 것 고맙습니다 --그동안 얼마나 많은 걱정을 했는지 이루 다 말할 수가 없어요. 다들 괜찮으니까 정말 다행이에요.

그런데 줄리아 선생의 하신 고급 오디오 블로그을 기대하고 있습니다. ... 똑딱똑딱똑딱똑딱 :wink:

love you guys!


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Postby julialim » March 25th, 2011 2:21 am

걱정 많이 하셨죠? 솔직히 저도 많이 놀랬답니다. 한국은 지진이 그렇게 자주 있는 나라가 아니기에 지진에 익숙하지 않아 더 놀란 것 같아요. 일본은 하루 이틀에 한번은 10~20초 정도는 항상 흔들리고 있거든요. 그래서 나름 익숙해 졌다고 생각했는데... 대지진이 있은 후에는 그런 조금한 것들에도 민감해 지더라고요.

지금 열심히 블로그 쓰고 있어요. 일부는 작년에 썼지만 절반 정도는 써 나가고 있어요. 길이가 한정되어 있고 최대한 많은 정보를 드리고 싶은 마음에 항상 그 공간이 부족하네요.
기대해 주세요~

P.S. 다음 주면 팀이 다시 활성하게 이 곳을 붐비고 다니실 거에요. 기다려 주세요.


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Postby linshaanaya7723 » March 27th, 2011 7:05 am

julialim wrote:Hello 여러분~~
안녕하세요~ 안녕하시죠?

I am Julia. :D
As you know, A big earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011 and then our office had been closed for a week, just in case.

Now Tim is in Korea at the moment BUT! he will be back Next week.
Don't worry!! I will help you as much as I can~~
:wink: :wink: :wink:

If you have any technical problem, please email us.

감사합니다. :D :D :D

Yes, I know about the earthquake, no I did not know most of the people were located in Japan. I did not subscribe to the emails, and I had many from the email I used to sign up with (using this name) end up in the spam folder, so if there was an announcement email, I did not see it. I assumed everyone in KC101 was actually a team located in Korea. I don't know any history of the team or where anyone is actually located.

I still want to change my name here afterall, so I will email.

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You guys just make me cry...

Postby timandyou » March 28th, 2011 6:32 am

안녕하세요 여러분 "hello everyone~~"
잘 지내셨지요? "How have you been?"
전 잘 지내고 있습니다 "I've been well"
다 여러분들 덕분이지요... "It's all because of you (your caring mind)"
너무나 감격스럽습니다 "I am so moved by you guys..."
그래서 울고 싶군요... "you guys just made me cry...." :cry: :cry: :cry:
여러분 너무 감사드려요~~ "thank you all~~"
제가 최선을 다해서 한국어 도와드릴께요~~~ "I'll do my best to help you learn Korean~~"
Tim 8)

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Postby trutherous » March 28th, 2011 7:23 am

welcome back Tim -- I will likely visit Korean again for three weeks in July 2011 -- let's get together at least once


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Hello George,

Postby timandyou » March 28th, 2011 10:18 am

That would be great!
Tim 8)

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Postby linshaanaya7723 » March 28th, 2011 5:58 pm

I'm glad for Tim being back and all, but I had a request on this thread and with each reply, I get an email alert, and so far none of these replies are about any solution to my problem. I understand you are happy he's back, but do you have to do that here? It keeps making me think I'm going to have help and instead it's completely off topic and my request feels ignored.

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Hello linshaanaya7723,

Postby timandyou » March 29th, 2011 1:36 am

Hello linshaanaya7723,
I am so sorry that I was not able to read your feeling... "I am sincerely sorry!!!"
I was focused on my feeling, not your feeling! I should have been focusing on your feeling and your request!!!

Okay. about your request...
Let's see what I can do for your request...
I will talk to our tech team and do my best to meet your need.
and get back to you ASAP. deal?

Tim 8)

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