Hahaha~~ thanks for the comment, George~~
I have to agree with George what he just mentioned of the 'true face of Korea'.
Yes... guys... all the tv shows, dramas, movies, and even celebrities are 'fake'.
I guess it's a common phenomenon that every media does in their countries, in order to allure many other foreigners with 'fake and cool images'.
This phenomenon happens all over the world - USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, China, England, and many many more...
So what can we do about that!? "NOTHING!" It's their(politicians) job to disguise their 'true face' as 'fake & cool' face. What's more, that's what they are very very good at!
There is ONLY one thing I (or each single person) can do about...
Discern oneself from those 'fake images' and never conceived by those images. WHY? becasue... as you (George) just mentioned, those are 'faked' or 'NOT REAL'.
It's good to enjoy movies or other tv shows but, never confuse those fake images with REAL LIVES.
Can we blame at only Korean society? NOPE! Korean society is just one of victims; so do Korean people.
There is very little thing I can do about that. I - myself - found a way of living in this 'faked' world. Enjoy simple life and appreciate small things that happen in my life. "In those small things, the purpose of life lies..."
Thanks for your comment and thought,