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Korean Children's Workbooks

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Korean Children's Workbooks

Postby alykiesling9300 » November 10th, 2010 4:30 am


So I'm studying both here and via books. Working with both helps me greatly but I realized that what would make this easier is if I could find some children's workbooks that Korean children would use. I really like the idea of learning like a child would but unfortunately I can't seem to find any workbooks. I know they must exist, but I just have no idea how to go about looking for them.

If any of you know of or have children learning Korean, perhaps you would be able to recommend a title or two?


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Postby trutherous » November 10th, 2010 9:11 am

Google shows many Korean churches in NJ -- I suggest you look into a few of them. They usually have some resources and sometimes even a Korean school. There are a number of great series a good standard is the series by Hee Seo Park Phd you can find them many places (here) just type (or copy) in 박희서 in the search field.

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