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Free 7 Day Premium Trial - All Links Send to Membership Page

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Free 7 Day Premium Trial - All Links Send to Membership Page

Postby alykiesling9300 » November 7th, 2010 6:46 pm


I am new to this site and I'm very interested in learning Korean. However, even though I've signed up for the free seven day trial of the premium membership, whenever I try to open the lesson notes on the Introduction lesson #1, it sends me to a membership sign-up page. I'm pretty confused since I'm supposed to have seven days to try all of this stuff out.

Can someone please look into this for me?


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Hello alykiesling9300,

Postby timandyou » November 8th, 2010 12:46 am

This is Tim from
why don't you directly send email to the below?

Tim 8)

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Postby alykiesling9300 » November 8th, 2010 1:10 am

안녕하세유 Tim!

I figured it out. It was because I had already clicked the PDF open 10 times. I've moved up to Premium Membership now, so I guess that's no longer a problem!

감사합니다 for your response, however! Nice to know people are active on the forums here. :)

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