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internships in Korea

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internships in Korea

Postby iDoof » October 31st, 2010 7:02 pm

Any good resource for finding internships in Korea? I can read fairly well, so it's ok if the website is in Korean.

In particular, I'm a graphic designer, so it'd be nice to do that kind of stuff...

Thank you thank you for your help!

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Hello iDoof,

Postby timandyou » November 1st, 2010 1:08 am

I'd really like to help you but, I don't know about it.
Is there anyone who knows about it???
cheer you, iDoof,

Tim 8)

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Re: internships in Korea

Postby armadax9263 » November 29th, 2013 8:57 pm

It has been three years since you asked the question but i was actually wondering if it is possible to do internship in Korea, and i got some information.
For those who want to do internship in Korea, here is something that i know.
I learned that in Korea, internships are generally paid. In some other countries you can do paid or nonpaid, depends on the company.
Also in Korea -by the way i mean South Korea- lots of paperwork is needed for internships and more paperwork for foreigners. Because of that i learned companies really do not want to have foreigner interns. They really do not want the paper work and duty of a foreigner - they think it is hard to work with foreigner due to language situation -.

But on the other hand, some companies like tour agents, have much business with tourists. So they are looking for foreigners who can survive in Korea. I am studying astronautics engineering so it was hard for me to find a internship, but i keep looking. Any suggestion is appreciated.

It is all i know, but i believe if you have good Korean and if you search deeply you can find some internships with help of some luck.

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Re: internships in Korea

Postby korea.innovative » December 22nd, 2013 3:54 am

armadax9263 wrote:It has been three years since you asked the question but i was actually wondering if it is possible to do internship in Korea, and i got some information.
For those who want to do internship in Korea, here is something that i know.
I learned that in Korea, internships are generally paid. In some other countries you can do paid or nonpaid, depends on the company.
Also in Korea -by the way i mean South Korea- lots of paperwork is needed for internships and more paperwork for foreigners. Because of that i learned companies really do not want to have foreigner interns. They really do not want the paper work and duty of a foreigner - they think it is hard to work with foreigner due to language situation -.

But on the other hand, some companies like tour agents, have much business with tourists. So they are looking for foreigners who can survive in Korea. I am studying astronautics engineering so it was hard for me to find a internship, but i keep looking. Any suggestion is appreciated.

It is all i know, but i believe if you have good Korean and if you search deeply you can find some internships with help of some luck.

Hey Armadax,

That is a good way to have an experience though even if it would be challenging in a way!

But I think in terms of finding an internship, the disadvantage for foreigners would apply everywhere you go other than your own country (unless you are part of EU!)

The good part for you is that you have a very specific degree instead of something general like business.

It may be a better idea if you search for companies that would take your such degree - engineering is really good since it is special and you have a solid knowledge.

One thing that concerns me is the fact that it is not popular in Korea to have an internship. i mean they do but you wouldn't get as much experience as you would in foreign firms.

My suggestion would be to find a foreign firm based in Korea and possibly within your industry as that would bring higher possibility.

I am not sure if this comment helps so much but the cold calling may not be such a bad idea either!

Good luck!

Thank you

team KoreanClass101

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