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Another great book (one that you can find!)

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Another great book (one that you can find!)

Postby austinfd » October 12th, 2007 2:55 pm ... 904&sr=1-3


This is really a great resource to learning ALOT of vocabulary quickly. Similar to the relationship that English shares with Latin, a large portion of Korean words are derived from Chinese. This book lays out some of the most common Hanja, using the Korean spelling. It also provides the English translations.

For example, the entry for 헉 (learning; study) has words like the following:

- university (great + study)
자 - scholar (study + person)
- vacation (release + study)
- entering school (entrance + study)

You will quickly realize that your vocabulary is bigger than you realize, and if you know pieces of words, they can help you guess at the meaning. And there are some cool words too.

One of my favorites:

대식가 - someone who really eats alot. I imagine it is kind of like calling someone a glutton.

식(food) 식사, 식당...


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Postby Keith » October 15th, 2007 2:07 am

that's a great point!

Once you can start figuring out the pieces, your vocabulary starts growing exponentially! If you have a basic grasp of the meanings, you can see a word the first day, and figure out what it means on your own. :!:

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Postby Susisusita » October 19th, 2007 8:14 pm

It looks good, but...i'm a little scared of korean, specially when i see a webpage (4 example) ... it looks so hard do recognice each word, i know that it's cause i'm a newbie...but...ahh, it's scares me anyway xD

Is that book very complicated?

Thanks! :)

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Postby austinfd » October 22nd, 2007 2:05 am

Well, it is a thick book. And there ARE alot of words in it. But it isn't overwhelming to look at the pages. Once you learn how to read 한글 (or at least sound it out) it isn't so scary anymore.

I'm making some videos!:

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Postby Susisusita » October 27th, 2007 11:24 am

haha, ok, thanks! I'll try it :)

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I have this as well:

Postby xflibble » November 30th, 2007 5:59 am ... 8933703977

Similar idea, different approach. If some combined these books with Korean essential vocabulary 6000, all would be good :) I'm building that book myself, but I don't think I could distribute it legally.

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