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WordBank Flashcards!

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WordBank Flashcards!

Postby bgagnonius » April 10th, 2009 7:05 am

Would it be possible to have the wordbank flashcards set up so that when I see the word in english or hear it in korean I can type it as well. I seem to be having alot of problems with my spelling and I think this might help.

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Joined: September 10th, 2009 10:32 am


Postby cateszd » September 24th, 2009 6:37 pm

I would love the writing tests to be integrated into the My Wordbank flashcards! Not only would it help with spelling, but all educational studies show that when you engage multiple parts of your brain to study something, you learn it faster and on a much deeper level. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing all at the same time would seriously increase learning speed. Maybe this feature could be optional or able to be turned on or off? This is a great suggestion.

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Joined: March 24th, 2010 6:58 am

I second this, and have another proposal to the flashcards

Postby kazuau » May 4th, 2010 11:40 am

When going back and forth between the flashcards, among the Learning Center and My Word Bank, there are two features which I think convenient if these exist.

1. To lesson specific flashcards, in addition to Yes/No, "No, add this to My Word Bank".
2. To My Word Bank flashcards, in addition to Yes/No, "Yes, delete this from My Word Bank".

Sounds simple enough?
Thank you for reading.

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