What's your motivation for learning Korean?
And your answer is to get a Korean girlfriend!
Oh, man, Alex~~!!
I like you man!
Yes, without girlfriend life is not quite fun.
Whatever your motivaiton is... it's great to be motivated like you Alex.
When I learned English, I had a hu~~~~g desire for getting Canadian girlfreind.
Alex, you just reminded of my sin. haha~~!!
Anyway.. I didn't (to be honest "couldn't") get a Canadian girlfriend (shame on me) and ALEX! You have the greatest motivation ever! You can do it!
Bythe way... as George just mentioned above...
70%... 80%... 90%... 95%... (I don't know... let's say.. it depends on individual) true.
George knows about Korean girls better than me.. I think... (George you bit me)
The bottom line is!
We are here to learn Korean!
So, cheers, George and Alex! and me!
Have fun learning Korean!