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How do you keep up on Korean TV & Movies

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How do you keep up on Korean TV & Movies

Postby paekdusan » March 16th, 2010 8:18 am

Hi! I'm new here and maybe this topic has already been covered in-depth somewhere. But I'm wondering how you (those of you that live outside of Korea) keep up with Korean TV and movies.

I live in Seoul right now but will be moving at the end of this month. It's easy for me to keep up on what's popular now because I see the ads on TV and hear about dramas and movies from those around me. But how do you guys keep up with this stuff when you're not in Korea?

I'm familiar with several sites that allow you to watch Korean dramas online (e.g. mysoju, 우리넷, etc.) but how do you know what to look for in the first place? Are there any good blogs or websites that you can recommend?



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Korean Drama

Postby jnnfrhgh » April 11th, 2010 6:43 am

I find very helpful in this respect - the news stories often involve current or upcoming dramas (particularly those featuring famous actors), and they also regularly post which is the most watched drama of the week, so you are able to see what is currently popular.

Hope this is helpful.

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Postby koreamom » April 11th, 2010 8:49 pm

another really good blog spot to check is she gives synopsis' of various dramas and updates on new things coming out and a whole lot more! it is fun to read there and keep up on all your fave actors. :D ... episode-1/

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Postby Lollyy » April 11th, 2010 10:35 pm

i use to keep me up to date with kpop news and new dramas often get mentioned on there

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Postby jierui » April 12th, 2010 12:24 am

I was seriously disappointed trying to find working videos for Queen Seon Duk on mysoju. Luckily, I found where you can watch for free but with (annoying) ads, or pay $5 a month to get rid of the ads.

After watching the Dockers ad with men not wearing pants about 100 times, I forked over the $5. Anyway, dramafever has great quality video, no ads, reliable, comment threads, etc... Excellent selection for a newbie to kdrama like me. Old stuff and new.

When my semester ends in a few weeks, I am diving head first into one or two new dramas. I can't wait!

(Not affiliated with dramafever in anyway, just a satisfied customer!)

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Keeping up with dramas

Postby Arev » April 25th, 2010 2:38 am

The best way to keep up with upcoming dramas is dramawiki at You will find links on the home page on that site for upcoming Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese, Hong Kong and Singaporean dramas and there is also a link near the top right corner for dramas that are currently airing. You can also look up actors, actresses and other celebrities on that site and see all of the dramas and movies in which they have played a role, including a photo of them and a synopis about the dramas. That site even lists mangas and a lot of other infromation. It is very helpful and I refer to it almost every day.

Also, keeps a lists of dramas that they will add to their site in the near future and the dates on which those dramas will be available. They tend to come out a bit behind the Korean tv schedule, but its not too bad unless you are really anticipating something. For example, the last five episodes of 추노 were added last week and they will start running 동이 on May 13, I think.

You can also find a lot of dramas immediately after they are aired in their native country (within less than 8 hours usually) on and on

Hope this helps!

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Re: How do you keep up on Korean TV & Movies

Postby debradebra_231371 » August 11th, 2016 8:40 am

I just know Youtube. Youtube updates the latest Korean Movies and TVs. Just subscribe those channels playing Korean videos with official video watermark, those channels always update latest related video news.

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Re: How do you keep up on Korean TV & Movies

Postby community.korean » August 12th, 2016 11:54 am


Thanks for posting. YouTube is definitely one good source for Korean music, movies and TV programs!


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Re: How do you keep up on Korean TV & Movies

Postby Monsta_Man » August 19th, 2016 11:59 pm

I find to be a good source for Korean dramas. :)

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Re: How do you keep up on Korean TV & Movies

Postby community.korean » August 22nd, 2016 2:14 pm


Thanks for sharing!
Please let us know if you have any other questions.


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Re: How do you keep up on Korean TV & Movies

Postby quynhsites_233728 » March 8th, 2018 4:22 am

you can check at

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Re: How do you keep up on Korean TV & Movies

Postby community.korean02 » May 7th, 2018 9:20 am

Thanks for the info!
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions!


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