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검도 (Kumdo)

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검도 (Kumdo)

Postby watchingmidnigh » March 22nd, 2010 2:33 am

How prevalent is Kumdo in Korea?
Do most schools have Kumdo clubs?

I know in Japan, Kendo (the equivalent of Kumdo so I'm told) is very popular. I might be going to Korea as an exchange student next year and I want to know how likely it is that my school would have a Kumdo club.

Thanks in advance for your response(s)!

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Postby sionie » March 22nd, 2010 8:23 am

Hi, watchingmidnigh

Kumdo became popular in Korea after broadcasting a soap opera called "모래시계 (1995)"
My brother started KUMDO at that time and now Kumdo master :)

As I know, Most university has Kumdo 동아리 (club) and
you can also easily find Kumdo 학원 (academy??) like TAEKWONDO.

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Postby imaBALLER » March 22nd, 2010 12:17 pm

I am sure you can find a kumdo club very close, even if your school doesn't have one.

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