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korean movies

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korean movies

Postby usakorjb03 » May 22nd, 2008 1:31 pm

hey what's your favorite korean movie? most of mines are in the horror and drama areas. my favs are "oldboy" "lady vengence" "H" "Cello"
I have these movies on DVD so don't ask me where U can find these online lol I didn't buy these online either, lucky me they were in my movie stores and such. I think i'll watch "H" tonight WOOO
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Postby James » May 22nd, 2008 2:25 pm

I looove H! The story is so good. 지진희 makes me hot and bothered :oops:
I've seen Tale of Two Sisters 3 times. It is so beautiful, cruel, confusing, scary (not in an AAAHH! kind of way but in an 'ooh, whoa..' way. If that makes sense. :)

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Postby usakorjb03 » May 22nd, 2008 5:38 pm

I remember the first time I watched A Tale of Two I was so confused I had to watch it again. Yet, I was still confused so I asked a friend of mine and she explained to me and after watching it a 3rd time, i got the picture lol
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Postby jaesun » May 22nd, 2008 10:01 pm

I really liked A Tale of Two Sisters as well. I felt it powerfully.

My second favorite movie is Public Enemy. Do you know it? Billed as kind of a "Dirty Harry" movie. It's funny, violent... Somewhat similar to Lady Vengeance, but it had more of a moral compass (so to speak). Perhaps it appealed to my American sensibilities because of that? :?

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Postby tormsen » May 22nd, 2008 11:39 pm

Man there are so many good Korean movies. I wish that Korean television showed the acting skills and emotional range of Korean movies. There should be a Korean equivalent of HBO, that'd be fantastic.

I really liked A Bittersweet Life, which was by the same director as Tale of 2 Sisters I think. Unless I'm very mistaken, he's also the same guy who's going to be busting out 좋은놈, 나쁜놈, 이상한놈 later this year which looks awesome. Korean western set in 1930's Manchuria, how can it go wrong.

Any love for Save the Green Planet? Such a strange, but awesome movie. I need to find some Korean friends with good movie taste. Whenever I list my favourite movies they're always like "That wasn't so popular..."

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Postby jaesun » May 23rd, 2008 12:22 am

You've given me a list of movies I've got to see now.

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Postby tormsen » May 23rd, 2008 12:53 am

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Postby matthew254 » May 23rd, 2008 2:02 am

tormsen wrote:In that case, have some trailers :D
Save the Green Planet

what a weird one. almost too weird for me but I'm glad I saw it once.

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Postby austinfd » May 23rd, 2008 2:53 am

Are these movies being marketed in the States?.... I am so out of it! Acutally, I'm not even that current on the new releases here in Seoul My movie collection is all on DVD, and comes from the local DVD rental shop (turns out he sells them too)

I'm making some videos!:

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Postby javiskefka » May 23rd, 2008 3:04 am

tormsen wrote:Any love for Save the Green Planet? Such a strange, but awesome movie. I need to find some Korean friends with good movie taste. Whenever I list my favourite movies they're always like "That wasn't so popular..."

That movie is great. It's so cyberpunk.

I like 아는 여자 / Someone Special.

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Postby tormsen » May 23rd, 2008 3:05 am

I'm in 경기도, and have never been to the States so I dunno. I watched the first two back in 호주 after finding them on the internet and downloading them (I should get them on DVD too), and then I've been following 좋은놈,나쁜놈,이상한놈 on some movie blogs.

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Postby javiskefka » May 23rd, 2008 3:20 am

tormsen wrote:I really liked A Bittersweet Life, which was by the same director as Tale of 2 Sisters I think. Unless I'm very mistaken, he's also the same guy who's going to be busting out 좋은놈, 나쁜놈, 이상한놈 later this year which looks awesome. Korean western set in 1930's Manchuria, how can it go wrong.

So I wonder if it will end with a "Korean" Standoff, or with someone getting Shanghaied.

(You know, like the Mexican Standoff in "The Good, the Bad & the Ugly"...)

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Postby the_haunted_boy » June 4th, 2008 4:03 pm

I really like 'Phone'. It might have be a somewhat typical ghost story, but it it very plot, character, and story driven movie and it always holds my attention.

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