I'm actually Korean, but I grew up in the states for around 13 years. I'm going back to Korea soon because my parents want me to go to a university in Korea.
The English section is a piece of cake for me, and I took German in high school for 4 years so the other language part is no problem as well... I guess what I'm really worried about is the Korean language and the math section (and the other section as well, but I decided to just forget about that part)
I have some... very basic questions about the test.
1. You register for universities AFTER taking the test, right? I'm thinking you do, but just to make sure.
2. What should I get, to at least get into universities like Ewha uni, Kyunghee uni, etc. (basically, the top universities)?
3. What does this mean: 수능반영영역 중 2개 영역 이상이 1등급? This is a requirement for a major I'm trying to go for at a university, and I'm sure it has something to do with the test results...
Thank you very much in advance...